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Comment Re:Stagnation as far as the eye can see (Score 1) 84

So why don't you buy an Xeon then? Instead of complaining that one product segment (which isn't designed for your unusual requirements) doesn't have the features you want?

And both power levels and performance per power have improved strongly the latest generations so I don't know why you are complaining - if you were right you could just continue running your old machine instead of upgrading so...

Comment Re:Dangerous power (Score 0) 265

"The System", "the machine"... I think you have your own mental problems to sort out, paranoids tend to use those kind of description of everything they can't directly control and therefore are afraid of. Anti-government and pro-gun* groups encourage this kind of shit too, I don't know if your drinking partners do...
There are a lot of people helped by your scary "System", I personally know several and you probably do too (assuming you aren't living an eremite life in your basement) - but this isn't something that one normally like to tell others.

(* I like guns, I like the idea that one should be able to own a gun, pro-gun types == weapon fetishism)

Comment Re:Feels weird agreeing with scientologists (Score 2) 265

In many countries this is already the state of things and abuses aren't common (I've never heard of one). In the US in contrast there have been a lot of reported abuses of forced containment of (allegedly) mentally ill people. Strange that...

Oh, I am wrong BTW. This is about a 4 hour period intended to allow proper procedures according to the state laws, in most other countries it is about a period long enough to properly evaluate the patient - which is in the order of days.

Comment Re:absolute BS (Score 1) 242

Nope, fission produces x-rays and neutrons that compacts and then ignites the fusion stage. The fusion stage can in turn be used to ignite a fissile stage (using depleted uranium as the bomb casing) but that's optional, produces more fallout and isn't a vital part of the design.
A thermonuclear bomb get most energy through the fusion process as initiated by a fission device.

Comment Re:These asshats probably missed the part... (Score 1) 27

Where it was shown that Hacking Team's software WAS BACK DOORED!

Stupid fucking twits.

How is this relevant to this story? This is about the agencies listed being interested in using the hacking software (the deployment of which isn't a malware per se). Not about the quality of hacking team software nor the reliability of hacking team as a partner to law enforcement.

Law enforcement have more rights than common people, as long as they keep within those extended rights I don't see a problem. If one thinks they are allowed to do things they shouldn't be doing there are mechanisms available to (attempt) correcting that.
Democracy isn't a very good system but it is better than the alternatives...

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