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Google Terminates Lively 186

FornaxChemica writes "In a surprise move, Google announced today, both on-site and in its blog, that it will permanently shut down its 3D virtual world, Lively, by the end of the year. This makes Lively one of Google's few scrapped products, and one of the most short-lived, too, barely lasting 6 months. No official reason was given, only that Google wants to 'prioritize [its] resources and focus more on [its] core search, ads and apps business.' Lively might have taken too much and given back too little, even by Google's standards."

Comment Re:To prove it... (Score 1) 167

Atheistic logic? What on earth do you mean by that?

Anyway, I would say that trying to prove the existence of a deity with plain logic, meaning by inference within a formal system (you know, consistent, complete, etc.), is bound to fail. Of course, compelling arguments in a less formal framework can and have been made. Personally, I find that just wanking around with rhetoric, but hey, that's just me.

As to the "apparent need of atheists to convert those who do not share their views"... I resent that, just a bit. See I don't really care what people choose to believe in their hearts and their churches, honest, as long as it's kept in there. And by that I mean, away from policy, government, public affairs. But when I see creationists pushing irrationality right into the source of progress, into public education, or when I see politicians appealing to faith to get elected, rather than reason... well, it does scare the bejesus out of me. I see it as a concerted effort to erode rationality, to devolve into obscurantism.

I'm done with dark ages, dude. I really believe we as a species have come a long way since Enlightenment, and I plan on doing whatever is in my power to keep things that way. If that sounds as "zealotry" to you... sigh, we're probably not going to get along well. But I hope at least you can appreciate this not exactly religious zealotry. And do take comfort that my stance against religion is strictly defensive -- and I want to believe that's the stance of many if not most secular/rationalist types. Cheers.


Google To Host 10M Images From Life Magazine's Archive 79

CWmike and other readers alerted us to Google's announcement that it was making available 10 million images from Life magazine's archives dating back to the 1750s. (Most of the news accounts covering this announcement refer to Life's "photos," and none mention that photography wasn't invented until early in the 19th century.) Only a small percentage of the images — including newly digitized images from photos and etchings — have even been published. The rest have been "sitting in dusty archives in the form of negatives, slides, glass plates, etchings, and prints." At this point about 20% of Life's archive is online; the rest is promised within months.
The Courts

French Record Labels Go After Limewire, SourceForge 326

An anonymous reader notes that TorrentFreak is reporting: "French record labels have received the green light to sue four US-based companies that develop P2P applications, including the BitTorrent client Vuze, Limewire, and Morpheus. Shareaza is the fourth application, for which the labels are going after the open source development platform SourceForge. ... Putting aside the discussion on the responsibilities of application developers for their users activities, the decision to go after SourceForge for hosting a application that can potentially infringe, is stretching credibility beyond all bounds." SourceForge is Slashdot's corporate parent.

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 543

Well the way you put it sounds mean-spirited and controlling... but yeah, I'd say you're reading correctly. Except it's not about "empowering people" and never has been, where ever did you pick up that funny idea? The FSF? Yeah that must be it. Look they're very decent folks but sometimes a bit too idealistic IMO.

Anyway. Writing software for free is about having fun, not helping people. Sure, if you can help people while having fun, hey that's fantastic and probably what makes linux and open source in general so appealing. But coding for Windows is not fun. That's work indeed, all the way. I mean, they actually intend you to pay money for development tools! They don't let you look at the source code for the kernel and libraries! They want you to work with closed boxes and figure out their quirks by trial and error? What kind of joke is that?

Oh, and windows devs are all anonymous, you don't even know who wrote this bit or that.. there's no social status to earn, no cred, no one to blame for the buggy bits. That's boring man.

So no, I don't see a "community" helping microsoft out of this hole. But hey, they've got a lot of cash right? They can pay for that drudge.

United States

Submission + - Barak Obama Voted President of The US ( 3

eldavojohn writes: "Barak Obama has just achieved 297 electoral votes ensuring him the presidency of the United States of America for the term 2008-2012. This is an historic event for the nation and possibly even the world. What changes will he bring as he sweeps Democrats into other leadership positions? What brought this momentum and change in party majorities/control?"

How Vampire Bats Evolved To Live On Blood Alone Screenshot-sm 82

New research has discovered some of the genetic changes that allowed vampire bats to live on a diet of pure blood. One of the bats' most important evolutionary traits is the ability to manipulate an anticoagulant protein in their blood and saliva. In humans similar proteins protect against heart attack by breaking up blood clots and clearing vessels.
It's funny.  Laugh.

The Greatest Scientific Hoaxes? 496

Ponca City, We love you writes "The New Scientist has an amusing story about the seven greatest scientific hoaxes of all time. Of course, there have been serious cases of scientific fraud, such as the stem cell researchers recently found guilty of falsifying data, and the South Korean cloning fraud, but the hoaxes selected point more to human gullibility than malevolence and include the Piltdown Man (constructed from a medieval human cranium); a ten-foot "petrified man" dug up on a small farm in Cardiff; fossils 'found' in Wurzburg, Germany depicting comets, moons and suns, Alan Sokal's paper loaded with nonsensical jargon that was accepted by the journal Social Text; the claim of the Upas tree on the island of Java so poisonous that it killed everything within a 15-mile radius; and Johann Heinrich Cohausen's claim of an elixir produced by collecting the breath of young women in bottles that produced immortality. Our favorite: BBC's broadcast in 1957 about the spaghetti tree in Switzerland that showed a family harvesting pasta that hung from the branches of the tree. After watching the program, hundreds of people phoned in asking how they could grow their own tree but, alas, the program turned out to be an April Fools' Day joke." What massive scientific hoaxes/jokes have other people witnessed?
Operating Systems

What Normal Users Can Expect From Ubuntu 8.10 511

notthatwillsmith writes "With Ubuntu 8.10 due to be released in just a few days, Maximum PC pored through all the enhancements, updates, and new features that are bundled into the release of Intrepid Ibex and separated out the new features that are most exciting for Linux desktop users. Things to be excited about? With new versions of GNOME and X.Org, there's quite a bit, ranging from the context-sensitive Deskbar search to an audio and video compatible SIP client to the new Network Manager (manage wired, Wi-Fi, VPN, and cellular broadband connections in one place)."

Reliable, Free Anti-Virus Software? 586

oahazmatt writes "Some time ago my wife was having severe issues on her laptop. (A Dell Inspiron, if that helps.) I eventually found the cause to be McAfee, which took about an hour to remove fully. I installed AVG on her system to replace McAfee, but we have since found that AVG is causing problems with her laptop's connection to our wireless network. She's not thrilled about a wired connection as the router is on the other end of the house. We're looking for some good, open-source or free personal editions of anti-virus software. So, who on Slashdot trusts what?" When school required a Windows laptop, I used Clam AV, and the machine seemed to do as well as most classmates'. What have you found that works?
The Almighty Buck

Economic Crisis Will Eliminate Open Source 753

An anonymous reader writes "The economic crisis will ultimately eliminate open source projects and the 'Web 2.0 free economy,' says Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur. Along with the economic downturn and record job loss, he says, we will see the elimination of projects including Wikipedia, CNN's iReport, and much of the blogosphere. Instead of users offering their services 'for free,' he says, we're about to see a 'sharp cultural shift in our attitude toward the economic value of our labor' and a rise of online media businesses that reward their contributors with cash. Companies that will survive, he says, include Hulu, iTunes, and Mahalo. 'The hungry and cold unemployed masses aren't going to continue giving away their intellectual labor on the Internet in the speculative hope that they might get some "back end" revenue,' says Keen."

Geoengineering To Cool the Earth Becoming Thinkable 419

johkir writes "As early as 1965, when Al Gore was a freshman in college, a panel of distinguished environmental scientists warned President Lyndon B. Johnson that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels might cause 'marked changes in climate' that 'could be deleterious.' Yet the scientists did not so much as mention the possibility of reducing emissions. Instead they considered one idea: 'spreading very small reflective particles' over about five million square miles of ocean, so as to bounce about 1 percent more sunlight back to space — 'a wacky geoengineering solution.' In the decades since, geoengineering ideas never died, but they did get pushed to the fringe — they were widely perceived by scientists and environmentalists alike as silly and even immoral attempts to avoid addressing the root of the problem of global warming. Three recent developments have brought them back into the mainstream." We've discussed some pretty strange ideas in the geoengineering line over the last few years.

Record Label Infringes Own Copyright, Site Pulled 282

AnonCow sends in a peculiar story from TorrentFreak, which describes the plight of a free-download music site that has been summarily evicted from the Internet for violating its own copyright. The problem seems to revolve around the host's insistence that proof of copyright be snail-mailed to them. Kind of difficult when your copyright takes the form of a Creative Commons license that cannot be verified unless its site is up. "The website of an Internet-based record label which offers completely free music downloads has been taken down by its host for copyright infringement, even though it only offers its own music. Quote Unquote Records calls itself 'The First Ever Donation Based Record Label,' but is currently homeless after its host pulled the plug."

Open Office Plans To Party Like It's Version 3.0 396

penguin_dance writes "The Register reports that ' is throwing a launch party in Paris on 13 October' to celebrate eight years, and hopefully announce the release of version 3.0. Some notes: [ 3.0] will support the OpenDocument Format 1.2 standard, and be able to open files created by MS Office 2007 and Office 2008 for Mac OS X." As maj_id10t notes, though the OO.o site does not yet carry an announcement, "Lifehacker has posted an entry stating the final release of OpenOffice 3.0 is available for download via their distribution mirrors."

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