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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 26 declined, 4 accepted (30 total, 13.33% accepted)


Submission + - Blender Open Movie 2 and an Open Game announced (

LetterRip writes: "The Blender Foundation has announced 'Peach' a second open movie project, their first open movie project was 'Project Orange' that resulted in Elephants Dream. Peach is planned to be a funny movie in contrast to the dark and surreal nature of Elephants Dream. A second exciting announcement is that in cooperation with Crystal Space and NLGD Conference ( the "Nederlandse Game Dagen" the annual conference for the Netherlands game industry) an open game (Project Apricot) will be developed. Lastly the Blender Foundation announced the establishment of the Blender Institute that will be a studio dedicated to hosting these and future projects. Also the Blender Foundation has put out a new manual 'Essential Blender' to make it easier to learn Blender. For those unfamiliar with Blender it is a free 3d animation suite."

Submission + - GMail spam filter has huge false positive

LetterRip writes: "I love GMail, but I just went through my spam inbox and found 8 false positives most from correspondents from India, that is a false positive rate of 1% of the stuff flagged as spam, and a much larger percentage of my emails not flagged as spam for the same time period. According to a search this is better than yahoos and hotmails false positive rate which are confirmed by my personal experience. Unfortunately they are far worse than a number of open source filters such as spamassassin. So slashdot — what do you do to battle your false positives of spam for google? Is there an easy way to retrieve all messages that end in your spam box so that a superior filter can be used to correct the errors?"

Submission + - A new Blender release

LetterRip writes: "A recent Ask Slashdot asked why the free 3D animation suiteBlender was so popular — the reason? It kicks ass :) Here is another great release fresh out of the compiler. One of the major new features this release is subsurface scattering that gives a beautiful soft appearance to skin and other materials. Also some nice sculpting tweaks and improvements, a number of animation feature enhancements, and much more."

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