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Comment Re:How does Microsoft feel about this? (Score 4, Informative) 343

There isn't a court-ordered requirement for them to test it. There's a market enforced requirement :-).

Go into Frys (or local Geek store). Look at all the NAS boxes on the shelf. That's all Samba. Every one.

Now imagine you're Microsoft. A new version of Windows comes out and it doesn't work against all the "home NAS media servers" people have. Ooops :-(.

They test against Samba *all the time*, as it's good for their business to do so.

They also go a little above and beyond by helping test the AD server part of Samba (which isn't in wide production use yet) - they do that in their interop labs up in Redmond.

They provide free food for the engineers working late up there. It's not as good as the free Google food (but then again, hey - what is ? :-) :-).


Comment Re:GPLv3 (Score 5, Insightful) 343

Oh you mean corporations like IBM, EMC, Netgear, WDC,Google ? Yeah, the GPLv3 really scared them :-).

Listen to my presentation here:

to explain why GPLv3 is a *better* license for commercial use the GPLv2.



Submission + - Samba 4.0 released - The First Free Software Active Directory Compatible Server (

Jeremy Allison - Sam writes: "I thought you'd be interested to know we released Samba 4.0 today,
containing the first compatible Free Software implementation of
Microsoft’s Active Directory protocols.

The press release is attached. Microsoft were nice enough to
give us a positive quote for the press :-).

Jeremy Allison,
Samba Team."

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 1) 1065

Oh, the old "government is the *problem*" crazy.

I'm sure you only drive on roads you paved yourself, in a house you built, eating food you grew in your own garden.

You probably make an exception on books though, and read Ayn Rand instead of only books you wrote yourself :-).

Yeah, I'm such an evil collectivist. I even pay taxes ! (and I want to pay *MORE TAX*, how about that for a scare story to tell your kids at night :-).

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 1) 1065

That's funny. I feel *exactly* the same way about public fire service. Why should *I* pay to subsidize the lazy bums who have fires in their houses. Makes my taxes go up - takes more money out of my pocket. After all, I'm sure I could negotiate with the fire-service people after my house is on FIRE to get the rate down. It's not like it's a service everyone needs, right ?

Sigh. Libertarians. What *would* we do for comedy without them...

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 1) 1065

> As an american, i can't imagine being made bankrupt and
> homeless by healthcare costs, That just doesn't happen, but
> good argument i suppose.

Just doesn't happen, eh ?

From that well known communist daily, Bloomberg's BusinessWeek:

You may be right wing, but you don't get to have your own facts. The real world always impinges.

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 5, Insightful) 1065

Sure, I can believe as an NHS nurse she had lots of horror stories about how broken the system is. I can tell you lots of horror stories about how broken every company I've ever worked for is :-).

But (and I'm sorry to hear she passed away so you can't ask here) I very much doubt that she would have preferred to impose the US-style system on her patients, had she had experience of both systems.

I live in the US, and I'd pay double my taxes just to get a working NHS over here. Having experience of both systems I know what I'm talking about. It's the peace of mind.

If you've never had it, and only lived in the US system you won't really understand what I'm talking about. It's like trying to describe color (note the spelling there :-) to a blind person. But I'll try.

Imagine just NOT HAVING TO WORRY about healthcare or costs. Seriously - NOT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT IT AT ALL. Ever. That's what the NHS brings to people's lives.

People over there complain about it, but that's because they also don't understand how truely disfunctional the US system is. They (people in the UK) have no concept of being made bankrupt and homeless by healthcare costs. They just can't imagine it.

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 4, Interesting) 1065

I just read your message again...

"I just lost all my savings paying my wife's health costs"

Wow. Just, wow. The fact you consider losing all your savings preferable to a National Health Service is, well..., just really *sad*.

I know it's true, because I live here. But I'm always astounded when I'm reminded how Americans have absolutely no concept of what a civilized society really looks like.

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