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Comment Re:Shame, shame! (Score 1) 158

Actually, it's a sensible behavior. America taxes 39% to corporations regardless of where they earn profit: an American HQ company pays 39% on everything it sells in China and Japan. In most other developed nations, it's different: a German company selling cars in the US pays taxes to the US on the profits from its US sales, but pays no taxes to Germany on those profits; it does pay German taxes on profits made from selling cars in Germany.

Americans are essentially crying about American companies not wanting to make $10 million selling to Britain, pay Britain $2.5 million in taxes, and then pay America $3.9 million in taxes; instead, these companies want to have a British arm headquarters, make $10 million in Britain, and pay $2.5 million to Britain and NOTHING to America.

Actually, by what I have been hearing lately they want to have a British operation doing their European business so they'll be in the EU common market, then they want to route all their $10 million of product sales though a shell company in Luxembourg where they make a secret tax agreement with the authorities to pay taxes of less than 1% while nominally paying the much higher Luxembourg corporate tax and VAT. There are many other variations on this, licence fees, internal loans, etc... but they all boil down to the same thing: you pay no tax. Eric Schmidt may claimed to be very proud of his companies tax structure, IIRC he even called tax avoidance 'capitalism'. I understand the desire of companies and private individuals to minimise their tax bills and that you can over-tax both companies as well as the unwashed masses. However, it pisses me off in a big way how these corporate bozos like Schmidt consider themselves entitled to using infrastructure and services bought and paid for by tax revenue but also consider themselves entitled to not contribute a dime to this infrastructure and the services that enable them to do business in the first place. The state confiscates over a third of my income as taxes and every time I buy something, import something or use a public service they leech some more with VAT, customs fees and miscellaneous other charges while Eric Schmidt and his company hardly pay anything at all. I do not have the option of doing a Irish Sandwich, a Double Dutch or a Luxembourg Flip to reduce my tax bill to zero and if the blood hounds at the tax office want to roast these corporate weasels on a rotisserie over an open flame then all I have to say to that is 'do you guys need any more wood'???'

Comment Re:Pretty cool (Score 2) 267

Let me ask you this: did we really need a pod race? What does it establish? What does it add? Is it exciting? And yet we spend a good half hour on that bullshit on Tatooine, half an hour that could have been spent observing the ways of the Force. I wonder if there's even a hundred people who liked the original trilogy who had a positive opinion on Watto. Was that something we needed, George Fucking Lucas?

The Pod race? Is that really the worst way you can think of that they ruined Star Wars? They ruined Star Wars for me with the battle of Endor, Awwww ... cute little teddybears. I would not shed any tears if they reshot that entire part of the original trilogy with Wookies like was originally intended (or so some SW fanboy told me). Then they threw in Jar Jar Binks... and that asinine battle between the Gungans and the Droids. A civilisation that can produce shield generators is tossing stuff at the enemy with catapults and throwing cavalry at tanks? Really? I can't decide which is worse. And then there is the scene where Yoda stumbles onto that landing pad with his cane and alluvasudden is he bouncing off the walls like a rubber ball as he duels Count Dooku. The list goes on, and on, and on... The whole movie theatre burst out in hearty laughter when that Yoda/Dooku duel scene came up. For a moment I felt like I was watching a Monty Python movie. I rather like the animated Clone Wars/Rebels series though, since there is a bit less braindead slapstick in it and once in a while you are treated to a scene where the clone troopers and commando droids are behaving in a way that vaguely (emphasise vaguely) resembles the way real soldiers would behave (the regular of the Droids are so stupid even the kids think it's unrealistic). It's really a pity how Lucas and the studio marketing and management monkeys have managed to screw up Star Wars, it's an awesome fantasy universe in many ways. It's also remarkable how popular Star Wars is despite all the ways they have FUBAR'ed it.

Comment Re:socialism (Score 1, Insightful) 208

I'll take free market capitalism over socialsim/communism ANY DAY!
At least in a democratic form, you have the ability to do better.
Under socialism, there is no reward, for doing better, and you become
LAZY, quality of work, goods & services suck.

You mean a free market capitalist democracy where wealth steadily gathers into the hands of an elite clique of super wealthy individuals with the result that the free market capitalist democracy inevitably evolves into a plutocracy where the clique of hereditary plutocrats (aka. the 1%) step on anybody who seeks to rise by his own merit while the underclasses become steadily impoverished. This is usually followed by a revolution of the underclasses and the free market capitalist democracy is replaced by some form of more socialist order with many of the shortcomings you mentioned. Lather, rinse and repeat at nauseam.

Comment Re:Just (Score 1) 208

Except that, of course, in modern capitalism banks are too big to fail and take these risks because they know it's not their own money that's at stake, but that of tax payers.

But well obfuscated.

More like simplified. The people whose money was lost were bank customers, the ones who lost it were bank employees. All the customer can do is choose a bank as best he can based on the bank's reputation. It is his money that is lost because the bank handed control of it's money to a bunch of morons. So the market punishes the customer not the moron who made the bad decision. It is the law that is supposed to punish the bank employee. However, in view of the fact that not a single bankster seems to have been put on trial as a result of the 2008 mortgage crisis we can rest assured that the worst that is likely to happen to the bank employee is that his bonus will be reduced that quarter and his career prospects may be dampened for a while. Now one may still criticize the customer for picking a lousy bank to do business with but let's face it, when it comes to finding a honest bank to handle your finances, the average capital owner is not exactly spoiled for choice these days. The best he can do is choose the least scummy bank. Ether that or invest his money in guns, ammo, canned goods and a heavily fortified dwelling with a built in water source.

Comment Re:Microsoft can't win (Score 1) 236

They put full Windows OS in their tablet, it's not as easy to use as an iPad.

They put a tablet OS in their tablet, it doesn't have full Windows functionality.

You could say the same about the OS X/iOS and Linux-Desktop/Android combinations. Put a desktop OS in a tablet and it's a bitch to use, put a tablet OS in a tablet and you can't do half the things you could do on a laptop and a significant portion of what you can do on both platforms is more clumsy and time consuming to accomplish on the tablet. Which is also why I've bought a phablet left my iPad at home andy only use it for reading, watching videos and playing games and drag my laptop with me to do real work on the road.

Comment Re:How long will it take slashdot to spin this? (Score 2, Insightful) 106

wow 10's of millions, from a guy that made billions off over priced devices. Pretty freaking cheap of them to only donate that pocket change.

Just because you guys hate Apple products it doesn't mean that you get to crap all over the some person's memory without being called out for being petty hateful trolls you are. I'll gladly burn karma to do that. He said, and I quote: "Steve Jobs never gave a dime to charity" which is demonstrably wrong no matter how you try to spin it. secondly how lazy do you have to be to not do a simple google search before making a stupid statement like that? ... and then he gets modded +5 insightful to boot... slashdot at it's finest!

Comment Re:How long will it take slashdot to spin this? (Score 3, Informative) 106

How many Apple fans will make fun of him, in spite of the fact that Steve Jobs never gave a dime to charity?

Did he? Even if he wasn't as generous as Bill, it seems you are wrong:
Now... how many Apple haters will try to use this to take cheap shots at Apple and to crap on the memory of Steve Jobs?

Comment Re:What do you vote for? (Score 1) 551

Out of curiosity; what do you Americans vote for? As a European, I am only familiar with the US presidential elections...

Every two years, we vote for our entire lower house of legislature (House of Representatives) and 1/3 of our upper house (Senate) so that each member there gets a six year term. The half of elections without a Presidental election are considered "mid-terms", because they are in the middle of the presidents term.

Each state also elects a governor, as well as a legislative body. The county (sub state divisions) and city level also have various elections. The states all vary when the elections occur, so that sometimes they line up other elections, sometimes not.

Some states also have judicial elections, which is as stupid an idea as it sounds like.

But, sad truth, due to the way that the lines for various districts are drawn, there are only like 4 elections in the country for the House that are actually close. And given how Senate seats are winner-take-all for the state, there are only a few that are really in play there as well.

Don't you guys also vote for local officials from mayors and town councillors and county officials down to judges, sheriffs, district attorneys, garbage collection department chiefs, etc.... ?? Or is it just in hollywood movies where district attorneys, sheriffs and judges are constantly worrying about being re-elected? Here in the old world the only ones elected in local elections are mayors and town/city councillors, and provincial/county level people. Lower officials than that are either appointed by whoever wins local elections or they get hired because they are the most qualified applicant for the job (well theoretically, sometimes they get hired because the are loyal party soldiers or because they are related to some local politico). Judges and police chiefs are appointed by the minister of justice but still with professional qualifications in mind (again... in theory).

Comment Re:Jeez, just come clean (Score 5, Funny) 146

It's pretty crowded up there, can we still afford to play "1965 Cold War" in 2014?

People like you are the personification of what's wrong with America today! While you latte slurping liberal intellectuals are debating history down here, the capability gap is widening, the Russians are winning the maneuverable space junk race. What we should be doing is get some maneuverable junk of our own so send your old VHS players, Pentium PCs, CRT monitors, ... to NASA so they can bolt thrusters to our old junk and and fire it into orbit by the meteric ton. I say, let's teach those commie pinko Russki bastards a lesson!

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