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Comment Re:Libertarian nirvana (Score 2) 534

What's wrong with that? Libertarians should love this - government slashed to bare minimum (or below) and everything in private hands. And as we know, *everything* is better when privately operated. Next step should be deregulating LEC market to enable true competition.

Like Martin Niemöller pointed out, nobody cares about things like this until they are being targeted themselves. I don't expect Libertarians to be any different.

Comment Re:Zimmerman telegram? (Score 2) 206

The announcement comes after reports this week that Verizon and British company Colt provide Internet services to the German parliament and other official entities.

Germany should've learned their lesson, when a telegram sent to their Ambassador in Mexico was intercepted by the British — and shared with the US-government.

Had we not obtained that piece of intelligence, the history of the world could've been quite different...

Yeah and if MI6 had grown a spine and called bullshit on the CIA case for WMD's in Iraq maybe that country would not now be on the cusp of becoming an Islamist Caliphate and 179 British soldiers would not have died what is increasingly looking like pointless deaths. At least the Germans had the good sense to see that the CIA 'evidence' for Iraqi WMDs was a steaming pile of horse manure and the strategic foresight to realize that intervention in Iraq would highly probably become the kind of FUBAR it currently is. Could it be that Germany (and France for that matter) learned some lessons from WWI, WWII and the cold war proxy conflicts that Britain might be well advised to take to heart?

Comment Re:Good luck proving this in a court of law... (Score 1) 404

I can see this type of service continuing on.

1: Parking spaces are in demand.
2: People are willing to pay cash for one.
3: Other people want money.

All that needs to happen is that the server gets moved offshore, and the app be made as a Web app so it survives being pulled from Apple's store.

I remember this exact same thing happening at a place I worked at when in college. They were such sticklers about being on time for shift that a second late on the phones meant a six month denial of promotions, and being late for any reason three times is an automatic termination. So, people from the neighborhood would fill this place's parking lot up about an hour before shift changed and demand cash... and the employees of this firm would pony up to a C-note in order to get a place, drive a car about a half mile from the office and park in a seedy neighborhood, or be late and stuck on the phones for another half-year with a freeze on raises.

I applaud SF banning this app, but in reality, it won't help, and this is just the start of it. I won't be surprised to see a black market for parking spaces, with people sitting for hours to "sell" theirs, happening soon. Especially home games in university towns or other places where people go for an event.

Why not just use the data already collected in all those parking palces, parking garages and multi story car parks? They usually have signs at every entrance stating how many free parking spaces there are (at least in Germany they do) and all you'd have to do is network these facilities pipe, the data into an app that shows the nearest free parking spots based on your location. The app could be provided by the city council as a public service or better yet the data could be integrated made available via web-service and integrated directly into networked satnav devices. Alternatively you could make this data availabe as a subscription service by a private company if you think public services stink too much of communism for your taste. Individual drivers would still have to find their own spot so there would be no hogging since nobody profits from "selling information" about the location of individual spaces. Hell, there could even be a "Report parking tard" button that dispatches a GPS location and a photo to the nearest tow-truck/cop-car/meter-maid.

Comment Re:They hate our freedom (Score 1) 404

No, he'll still be free to do as he wants, he'll just want to do different things. What on earth does age have to do with doing what you want?

Becasue as you age and experience things like for exampe: witnessing a serious traffic accident or loosing a family member in a traffic accident, you realize that there is a reason people passed laws against morons doing whatever they want, using public roads as their private race track or driving a car while being drunk out of their scull. Like he said, it's called growing up. You should try it...

Comment Re:They hate our freedom (Score 1) 404

why on earth would I allow a third party to make money off public parking if it's not re-invested into the road system

You mean why on earth would you allow the tow truck driver that removes a car thats been parked in a spot too long to make money off public parking?

Why would you allow the police man who busts people for driving too fast, driving drunk, driving an usafecar... etc. to profit off of public roads? After all cops get paid don't they? ... and wages are profit. I'd say it's because both the cop and the truck driver are enforcing the rules that allow for the safety, fairness and efficient running of the system whereas some bozo sitting on a parking spot twice as long as he/she has to in order to profit from releasing it to the highest bidder is not contributing to the efficient use of the system. Plus I can only imagine the fight that would break out when some irritated driver who's been waiting for Mr. Bozo's to vacate a parking space is told to make way for the newly arrived driverwho 'bought the rights' to the supposedly public parking space, especially in the US where half the population seems to be packing a gun. Now if this company sold subscriptions to a service that provided information based on your location about where the most parking spaces are likely to be available that's a whole other matter.

Comment Re: Not likely. (Score 1) 365

doesn't have any flappy bits to fall off.

What are you doing to your equipment? How did these "flappy bits" develop? How is it that every laptop you've claimed to own apparently crumbled at your touch?

It's called: "wear" and "poor engineering"

You know what? I don't actually believe you. I think you're lying. Are you just trying really hard to justify your overpriced laptop? I have no idea why. Just take the knock to the pocket-book and move on. Everyone makes mistakes.

Perhaps you just like Apple products and are worried about their lack of marketshare? If that's the case, you may want to find a different approach. I've never had a laptop inexplicably disintegrate.

You know what? I think you are one of those irrational individuals who hates computer equipment from certain manufacturers for no apparent reason and because you can then get yourself worked up by quoting other peoples internet posts out of context and accusing them of being liars. Some computers are simply badly designed, and the ones from Apple happen to be better designed than many other brands. That does not mean that Apple PCs are the only properly designed computers (my employer has for example had a quite good experience with a large fleet of Lenovo machines) but it does mean that they fall apart less often than for example the cheaper Dell and (as the GP pointed out) Sony laptops (which a former employer had poor experiences with).

Comment Re:Performance vs Closed source driver? (Score 3, Interesting) 143

How long until an average user will chose the nouveau driver over the closed source driver, if said user doesn't care about licensing or building from source, but is looking for out of the box performance?

When it is stable? The damn thing kept crashing on me one or two times a day which is why I switched to the proprietary driver. Now I'm back to using the Nouveau driver with a new Nvidia card and it only crashes one or two times a month which is just about stable enough to not make me bother with the proprietary one.

Where does that put them in comparison with the Nvidia driver on Windows?

The Windows driver is somewhat more stable, I regard stability as an aspect of performance.

Comment Re:Conflict between Japaneese and Chineese (Score 1, Insightful) 398

"Living History". Japan invaders were thrown out of China some *75 years ago*. Not too many people left who have personal memories of it, any more.

I'm neither Japanese nor Chinese so the closest I can get to relating to the way the Chinese might feel about the Japanese and WWII (and at the same time unfortunately Godwining this thread) is that my great uncle spent years in a Nazi KZ camp, and my grandfather was arrested and worked over by the Gestapo for treason. No living memory there but I was raised by people who experienced the Third Reich first hand and it still makes my skin crawl whenever I hear one of the latest crop of European right-wing populists talk about the Moslems like the Nazis used to talk about the Jews before they gained power and still had to worry about freaking out the electorate. You don't need living memory to be become alarmed when the past looks like it might be about to begin to repeat itself and having read the Wikipedia article on the Nanking Massacres I can easily understand why the Chinese might be freaked out at the slightest hint of a nuclear armed Japan.

Comment Re:Serously? (Score 1) 398

The Chinese government still uses Japan and the atrocities committed in the 1930s and 1940s as a bogeyman to distract from the atrocities committed by the Chinese government against it's own people in the 1940s and 1950s.

Let's not forget the Cultural Revolution (1960s). I don't think I have ever seen figures over the deathtoll that were lower than a million.

Comment Re:car play more than just for cars (Score 1) 126

iphone is a keyboard and a tv-set away from being a full-fledged computer for 99% of the population.

Actually.... it isn't, not anymore You can connect a Bluetooth keyboard to an iPhone and there is a HDMI connector available.
The phone desktop gets projected to the TV without changing the aspect ratio which is rather rudimentary and you can only interact with it through the keyboard and the touch screen on the device. I'd say what's missing is mainly a decent TV/Monitor mode for the iOS desktop and a touch screen display device capable of sending touch and gesture feedback to the iPhone, either that or a mouse. There is actually a Cydia app that provides mouse support but that requires a jailbreak. Personally I'd prefer a touch screen TV but the point is the same, all the iPhone need to make this workable is software development work. That being said I'd still buy a laptop to do serious work.

Comment Re:Early days of KIA repeated (Score 1) 431

Actually, the Chinese will build to any spec. If they can build it on the same quality requirements for cheaper, you tell them you want it to your quality spec and you pay less.

This is unlike Germany, where the only quality level is "high", and you pay for German manufacture. German manufacturers won't provide you with a lower cost-tier and a lesser-duty-cycle product.

Everybody has their own strategy and "it may be expensive but you'll get your money's worth" is an engineering principle that has woked for the Germans for going on 150 years so why fix something that ain't broke? I would, for example, much prefer getting hit by a Jihadist packing an RPG while sitting in a German tank than in a Chinese one because "Made in Germany" is pretty much synoymous with quality and when it comes to tanks while "Made in China" basically means "N-th iteration of some 1960s Soviet design". Now if I was in the market for a cheap company car at throw-away prices I might consider Chinese some chinese rehash of a 1980s european car but I'd probably end up buying something Japanese beacuase with the Japanese you at least get innovation, new designs and a constant level of quality even if it isn't always the best.

Comment Re:Let's get rid of EU (Score 3, Interesting) 272

You'd also have to ask the member states to give up their sovereignty. This wasn't easy even in the case of the US as there were a ton of issues that needed resolving (i.e. balancing power between small and large states.)

This would be incredibly more difficult in the case of Europe since the individual member states have had their own identity often going back two or even three millennia, not only that but what cultural identity would they take? I.e. little things like what common language will they speak? (Granted the US has no official language, but 80% of the population speaks the same one...such is by far not the case in the EU.) Also, I'm having a hard time seeing how e.g. England would agree to it, seeing as they even refuse to adopt the Euro (which it turns out was actually a good idea and worked quite well in their favor) and they don't even drive on the same side of the road as everybody else.

There is a large group of nations within the EU that have little problem with increased integration, Britain is in something of a small minority in its anti-EU stance. Until now keeping Britain in the EU has been seen as important and nobody really thought they should leave. Recently, however, the idea has been voiced in other EU countries that the British should just should just bloody leave if they have that stink in their nose rather continue this constant dithering. People are just getting sick of hearing Britain threaten to leave and then never doing anything about it, especially since it usually seems to be a smokescreen to extort special treatment. There is a whole bunch of things that can be done in terms of restructuring the EU if the UK is no longer there fucking things up to get special deals for it's financial industry. If the UK decides to go it will certainly be watched with great interest as they leave the common market, refuses to join the EEZ which is not an option for most of the UK Euro-skeptics/isolationists since it would involve enacting all those hated EU laws without any say in how they are made (a say which the UK currently has as an EU member). Ukip in Britain, the Freedom party in the Netherlands and Front National in France all believe that Europe is better off as a bag of squabbling nation states that Europe was before the EU was set up. The kind of squabbling, feuding bag full of angry weasels that would not have been able to agree on whether or not the Soviet Union was a threat for long enough to even conceive of forming an alliance against the Soviets to prevent them from gobbling Europe up one squabbling state at a time. NATO was only formed as a counterweight against the Soviets after several swift ass-kicks from the Americans and they cannot be counted on to the play the role of the big bad parent forever. So who is right? Is it Ukip and Co. who think they can take Europe back to being a bag of small squabbling nations and still be taken seriously by great powers like China, India, Russia and the USA? Or is it the so called 'federalists' who see increases in political and economic union as the only way to stand up to the big boys? You tell me? Which is more likely to succeed in helping Europe to deal with the Great powers of the 21st century? One big European cat or a group of cute little house-cats? If this reminds you Americans of a debate that took place in the US before the civil war about the pros and cons of increasing Federalism that is no coincidence. The one difference is that I am not nearly as alarmed at the prospect of a European civil war as some of the more delusional Euro skeptic wing nuts who seem to consider a pan European civil war to be just around the corner.

Comment Re:This will hugely backfire... (Score 1) 422

Yes, the are mostly the same voters.

In their defense, Bush Jr. didn't run on the platform of increasing surveillance and decreasing government transparency. For the second term he run on a solid platform of FUD and even many non-GOP voters bought into it.

Further in their defense, TP is a delayed reaction to Bush actions. Sure, it is largely counter-productive, ineffective, lacking concrete goals and so on, but if you are objective you can't claim they are not trying to do something about this.

Well if nothign else, and judging from the mods the post has been getting, this seems to be a sore topic with some GOP voters.

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