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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 28 declined, 3 accepted (31 total, 9.68% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - 'King of spam' arrested, accused of fraud, ID thef

bomarc writes: "From KOMO TV's Website:

SEATTLE (AP) — A 27-year-old man described as one of the world's top spammers was arrested Wednesday, a development that federal authorities said could lead to an immediate, perceptible decrease in the amount of junk e-mail winging its way across the Web.

"He's one of the top 10 spammers in the world," said Tim Cranton, a Microsoft Corp. lawyer who is senior director of the company's Worldwide Internet Safety Programs. "He's a huge problem for our customers. This is a very good day.""

Submission + - eBay crashes - hard, All 'Live Auctions' are down

Bomarc writes: "eBay live auctions got off to a slow start this morning (10/21/06); however they quickly came to a halt with the error message. The auction that was going tried to continue with phone in; and just keep selling. Three hours later there is a hanging message — 'Sorry for the delay. We are hoping to be up soon with lot 56'. (Note: I'm using my Geocites account to host the screen shots; be kind)"

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