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Comment Re:Googloid (Score 2) 177

You may be surprised. With the advancements and push they're making on the self-driving car, they're making quite a case to get the captive in-car audience for billions of hours per day. Add HUDs and in-car popups and adverts and you have a whole lot of new advertising revenue.

Top it off with a whole lot of patents because, as far as I know, they're the only ones working on the self-driving car with such ferocity. They'll be the only channel available.

Comment Re:Apple and Foxconn (Score 1) 193

Using incite rather than insight could work ;P

Argh. Hate it when I do that in posts. I also didn't use the possessive form for "business's". Double-argh.

Seriously though, capitalism was never predicated around petitions. If you want "pure capitalism" to work, then the response is to not buy Apple products. ...

Secondly, by focussing on Apple you're giving a free-pass to all the other tech companies who are using the exact same supplier. If you boycott Apple, just to be some other products produced by the exact same factory, you're applying absolutely zero pressure to that factory.

I mostly agree. But the petition is a form of action. It gathers support for the concept and puts Apple on notice. Some folks will choose to boycott others won't. But it sends a message to management, forces consideration and maybe a response, and just plain gets the word out to other customers.

Sure, Foxconn is enormous and has other customers. But that doesn't mean Apple doesn't have a tremendous effect on their business practices. Apple may be the punching bag, but you can bet the other Foxconn customers are taking notice and probably applying pressure, too -- just quietly enough that they don't capture the eye and ire of the customers.

Comment Re:Apple and Foxconn (Score 3, Insightful) 193

Not only is it completely ineffective to hand a signed petitions to some Apple store manager in an attempt to influence the working conditions of an internationally traded public company in China...

Not so. Excuse me, but these are precisely the market forces that are supposed to insight change in "pure capitalism". Pure capitalism and our American brand of government / industry cooperation are essentially bottom-up enterprises where change usually comes from the accumulation of lots of insignificant voices.

I'm curious what alternative you would suggest would insight change? Three chain-wearing ghosts visiting Tim Cook overnight convincing him to change his businesses practices and relationships?

Comment Advancement where, then? (Score 4, Interesting) 165

I'm not clear on exactly where you'd like to advance. You don't want to commit to your employer (and only took a 6-month contract) and you don't want to burden yourself with the risks associated with success (by not wanting to start a company). I assume this also means you don't want to partner with someone.

So you want exactly what out of advancement? No more risk. No more commitment. No more responsibility. Just money? Play the lottery.

Comment Secure password storage and an attorney (Score 4, Insightful) 402

Place your passwords into a secure repository (like KeePass) and keep it updated. Give the password to the repository and other containers (I keep my KeePass in a TrueCrypt container) to someone you trust to execute when you die. An attorney. A trusted friend. Etc.

If required, make the password a two-part thing and give each part to different people.

Comment Re:Can't they get this from the 'handsets?' (Score 3, Interesting) 81

I think what the O.P. meant was that the handsets (millions of them) could be providing this feedback at all times with just small ancillary data on the uplink. Things like SNR, error rates, etc, could be reported in real-time at all times or selectively enabled by the towers when segments are being measured. This would composite all sorts of users, all sorts of chipsets, photes, locations, etc. With location services enabled, the phones can tell the towers where they are when these measurements come through.

Throw it all up on a fancy visualization and you can get a lot of information over different times of day, weather conditions, etc. No need for a bunch of trucks. Sure, the trucks can provide more information with better measurement equipment. But in many cases, lots of cheap devices can produce better data and fewer expensive devices as long as the proper statistical processing is applied.

Comment Re:Are you kidding? Go! (Score 1) 244

Gotta agree here. To be successful, I think you need to manage two things:

1. Maximizing preparedness for opportunities when they are presented to you. (education, experience, etc)
2. Maximizing exposure to opportunities. (networking)

In most cases, success is primarily luck. Lots of people are as capable as those that become wildly successful. Luck is what differentiates the crazy success stories. But you have to play the game to get lucky (2). And you have to be prepared to execute when the opportunity is presented (1).

Comment Re:Let me ask a "stupid" question (Score 1) 318

Not a stupid question. In fact, you would have been justified asking this question back when Galois was doing his work on abstract algebra in the 1830s. Or when Fourier was doing his work on temperature a bit earlier than that.

Over a century later, the work of both Fourier and Galois has moved so far from the abstract and so deeply entrenched in the practical, consumer-applied engineering fields that it would be hard to name anything in technology that didn't at least consider the application of both.

Fourier analysis is now used in all sorts of detection and classification schemes. Its principles are applied to video and audio compression as JPEG and MP3. Galois' finite fields are the basis for a myriad of digital coding schemes for error detection and correction -- not the least of which is the venerable Reed-Solomon code used in compact discs (CD).

There may not be an immediate application for such abstract theory (finite fields in 1830???), but the advancement of knowledge plants seeds from which we reap the fruit for centuries.

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