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Comment Re:Shrug, yawn. Have you read it? (Score 1) 224

You should dig up a 2011 Associated Press article about tritium leaks at nuclear plants across the country.

And how many people died from said tritium leaks? What, exactly, was the body count? Oh, that's And how much damage was done? How many baby seals and spotted owls were killed? Oh, that's The tritium leaks were so small as to be insignificant on any meaningful scale. They were regulatory violations, yes...but the regulations are such that it takes almost nothing to exceed them. I'm not arguing that we don't need such regulations. I'm saying that you're making it out to be far worse than it actually was just because there was a violation. For example, a plant I worked at last year was nearly shut down by the NRC for a violation of "adverse working conditions." Specifically, the union workers felt unappreciated. That was it. Was it a violation that got the NRC's attention? Sure. Did it have any measurable impact on safety? Nope.

Hell, there have been 2 nuclear plants that SCRAMed recently.
One on Christmas and the other last week, during the big north east blizzard.

This statement alone shows how little you understand what you're talking about. Just because a plant SCRAM'd doesn't mean there was a safety issue. For example, one of the plants I worked at a few years ago had to SCRAM. Why? Maintenance was being done on a backup generator, one of several in a triple set of backup generators. Regulations, however, say that a certain number of generators must be available if utility power failed. And guess what? Utility power from the grid did decide to fail during that generator maintenance period. Just bad luck, really, but it happens. So what did the plant operators do? They shut down the plant, in accordance with regulations. Could they have kept operating safely? Almost certainly. There were still two more generators available, a double redundancy that went unused, but regs say triple redundancy or nothing. A plant I worked at this year SCRAM'd when a tornado hit the switchyard and damaged it. The reactor itself was never in any danger, but regs said it had to be shut down because of the switchyard issue. Again, you make mountains of out molehills to prove a point.

Comment Re:Shrug, yawn. Have you read it? (Score 1) 224

Sounds pretty reasonable to me. But then some existing plants would have to be reexamined and maybe even receive some upgrades to their safety measures. Which would affect somone's bottom line, and we can't have that, now can we?

Careful. Your class-warfare wealth envy ideology is showing.

If you knew anything at all about how a "bottom line" works, you'd know that any increases in costs to the power industry -- or any industry that isn't completely government regulated -- gets passed on to the consumer. You, my dear bottom-line-hating friend, would pay those higher costs in the form of higher utility bills. Or did you think the power industry is someone blessed with an immunity to profit and loss statements? If their operating costs go up, either profits must come down or prices must go up. Profits can only come down so far before you're unable to re-invest in your business, attract and pay high-value talent, and all manner of things that make a business work. So prices will go up. That means you.

Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.

Comment Re:I don't know about the US government's stance.. (Score 1) 224

To start with, how about we make CEOs personally responsible for any and all negligence that occurs on their watch? Start with liquidating their assets, with no "trust fund" safe harbors permitted, as ill gotten gains. And then proceed to criminal penalties.

Do that and no competent CEO will ever take the job. You'll end up with CEO's that are either so stupid, so incompetent, or so desperate that nobody else wants them. Is that who you want running things?

This "kill the rich" mentality has consequences, you know. Suppose you were a lead programmer and you were held responsible for any and all errors for anyone on your team, forever. Your wages, your home, your savings...all of it could be forfeit if, say, there was a security breach that resulted from one coder making one mistake in one subroutine one day. Would you want that lead programmer job? Doubtful. If you had any sense you'd avoid any leadership position entirely, as would most other smart people. You'd be left with just the idiots running the show, those too stupid or too desperate to appreciate the risk.

Comment Re:Who has a financial interest in this one then? (Score 1) 224

It's probably not a simple "increase safety" vs. "don't increase safety." The specifics matter. Were the safety measures actually going to be helpful? Or would it just create more bureaucracy to wade through and just make it harder to build more power plants?

Having worked at several nuclear plants in the last few years, I can definitely say that many of these "Fukushima mods" projects are far more theater than substance. For example, one idea that (thankfully) got shot down was "tsunami protection" for pretty much every nuclear plant in the US...regardless of where it's actually located. The plants I worked were with TVA, and their plants were near rivers, not oceans or seas. Ever hear of a river tsunami? No? Didn't think so. And don't get started with saying "but rivers can flood!" because there are already extensive anti-flood measures in place. Have been since the plants were built. Building a seawall around a river-based reactor is just idiocy. But hey! It sounded good to somebody, otherwise it wouldn't have even made it past the planning stage.

There are some potentially useful improvements being made. One is pre-staging more emergency gear (pumps, generators, etc.) onsite in quake-proof, flood-proof, explosion-resistant bunkers. But it's extremely unlikely these things will ever be needed. The generals are trying to fight the last war, as the saying goes. Fukushima was a very unusual event, a quake followed by tsunami in a densely-populated urban area. There are few -- if any -- plants in the US that have these same conditions. Wasting money on security theater distracts us from spending money where it could do more good.

Comment Re:Regulation, more regulation, only lawyers win (Score 1) 224

Uh...perhaps you're unaware all three reactors shut themselves down in response to the quake, just as they were designed to do. The problem wasn't that the reactors didn't shut down; the problem was even a shut down reactor generates significant residual heat for almost a month after it's shut down. This heat may be only 1%-3% of total reactor power, but if not removed it's more than enough to melt the reactor core over time.

Removing this heat is the job of the Residual Heat Removal System, a fancy name for something that essentially just circulates coolant through a shut down reactor. The coolant picks up heat in the reactor, goes to a heat exchanger to get rid of that heat, and repeats the cycle. But these pumps require power, and power was knocked out (a) when the plant shut down, (b) when local utility power was cut due to the quake, (c) when the tsunami destroyed the backup diesel generators, and (d) when the emergency batteries finally ran out of juice.

So, your initial premise that Fukushima was not shut down correctly is...well, incorrect. It was shut down correctly, automatically. The meltdowns occurred not due to human error but due to a disaster that ran the gamut of all the safety systems and backups and contingencies that the plant was designed to handle. When you inflict a situation on an engineered system that exceeds its design specifications, failure is not only likely, it is the expected outcome. Build a higher seawall? There's still a tsunami that could top it, given the proper -- if unlikely -- circumstances. Build it for a 9.0 quake? You could still get a 9.1 quake. And even if you mitigated all of these events, what about asteroid strikes? Space aliens? No matter what you do, it is impossible to eliminate all risk from any complex system. You design for the most probably cases, add in a healthy safety margin, and that's the best you can do.

Comment Re:Site selection (Score 1) 224

The first thing would be tougher rules for nuclear site selection.

Perhaps you're unaware that they can't just put these plants anywhere. Plants have to be near large sources of water to cool the (non-nuclear) condensers. They also must be situated relatively closely to where that power will be consumed, otherwise transmission losses will eat you up. They must be in non-active earthquake areas. Transportation to/from the site (for construction and ongoing maintenance) must be available, and able to accommodate the huge equipment needed.

When you get right down to it, there aren't a lot of places that meet the above requirements to begin with. Exactly how much stricter do you think they can get?

Comment Re:Start with Stem cells and.... (Score 1) 183

Another reason for a genetic lifetime limit could be that, without it, you have the potential for individuals to live forever, hampering the evolution of the species by repeatedly reintroducing obsolete DNA into the gene pool. Over time those species with a built-in age limiter will experience more net genetic drift, allowing them to adapt more quickly to changing conditions.

This assumes we do nothing to *artificially* modify our own DNA outside the normal evolutionary process. Should we engage in full-bore "designer baby" genetic engineering, the hit or miss process of evolution effectively becomes redundant. We can eliminate traits we find undesirable in vitro instead of waiting generations for nature to do it for us. Ditto on enhancing favorable traits. We have the technology in basic form already. If we chose to focus our efforts on it, we could make enormous strides in a very short period of time. The problems facing such a solution are moral, not technological.

Comment Re:Frickin' Lasers! (Score 1) 236

You can get around this by using an array of lasers, each of which is individually rather harmless, but focused together would be enough to destroy such a target. The "danger area" would be restricted to the focal point. Anything outside/beyond/inside that point would receive much less laser power and likely escape damage.

Now if your drone is using active terrain masking, that makes it more difficult to hit at range. However, such a system would probably require a human remotely controlling it, making that susceptible to jamming. I don't think automated terrain avoidance (in real time) is practical just yet for anything a non-military entity could get its hands on. And in any event, such a terrain-avoidance system would likely need its own sensors (radar/lidar) which could be detected, jammed, or both.

Comment Re:Stronger regs ? Try a better radar (Score 1) 236

If you shield a drone it becomes heavier and then needs to be bigger. Also at that point the drone needs to either be self guiding or have a communication/control system that won't be knocked out. You get the old little more weight little more propulsion to carry the weight cycle going and all of a sudden your drone isn't small anymore.

So what's your point? That a more capable drone is also bigger? So? So what? That's obvious. Do you think the added size/complexity of such a thing would be any impediment whatsoever to a determined aggressor? If you want to penetrate controlled airspace to do something nefarious, you're perforce going to want something that's difficult to detect, difficult to jam, difficult to shoot down, and has enough payload to carry whatever you need to cause the damage you're looking for.

That seems an incredibly strong statement. So strong that it looks like it doesn't have enough thought behind it.

Really? Then let's hear your alternative options. I already covered sensors and weapons, but let's recap. Radar is vulnerable to stealth, so it won't do the job alone. Lidar is too short ranged to do the job alone. Acoustic is even worse. But put together, a web of such sensors would be very difficult to overcome. If there are other sensors out there that are even remotely applicable, please enumerate them.

As for weapons, you have only three options: ballistic, missiles, or directed-energy weapons. Ballistic weapons have all kinds of downsides, from trajectory computation to wind to limited ammo, not to mention the inevitable collateral damage from misses (of which there will be MANY). Missiles have similar downsides. DEW's have (almost) none of these, the sole one being the potential for (minor) collateral damage in the case of a miss. You could even potentially mitigate this by using an array of low-power lasers, individually almost benign, but focused together to take down a drone.

Comment Re:radar would have no problem distinguishing quad (Score 1) 236

This assumes you can get a good doppler signature on the rotors at all. I'm not an expert on radar/stealth construction, but I know a fair bit about it. A rotor made of radar-transparent (or absorbent) material would make it rather hard to detect, at least until it was well within range to do damage.

Comment Re:Stronger regs ? Try a better radar (Score 1) 236

So please tell why a radar system would be in some way inadequate to detecting drones, or even operating in an offensive mode to burn out their electrical systems.

Small drones with significant non-metal construction will be more or less indistinguishable from birds. And it's not a stretch to imagine "stealth" drones specifically constructed or modified to mitigate radar.

Using a radar offensively, aka an EMP weapon, is a possibility, but shielding electronics is also a possibility. You'd need a very powerful signal to defeat that, and operating such a thing in a civilian area could lead to all kinds of unintended damage.

Radar, backed up by lidar and acoustic sensors, is the best route. Threat mitigation is best handled by a point defense laser. End of story.

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