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Comment do zombies count? or spyware? (Score 1) 695

so what happens when an app crashes, and zombies exist. I can't wait to hear about gramma not being able to open ANY applications because all 3 games she played last night are zombified and not showing on the task bar.

is spyware exempt? that will be a huge factor in people not being able to start any application. if 3 spyware apps are open, can they start McAfee to clean them? or would that go over the limit?

this could be fun. like watching those staged building demolitions in Vegas.

Comment IBM won't kill Java (Score 1) 526

they will continue to promote it as they do now, but will have more control over it.

(the control thing is likely not a good thing overall IMHO)

But no way they dump Java (and then of course Websphere), their services business is reliant heavily on these products.

IBM loves Java, they will love it more when they own it.

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