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Comment Re:not really a ban (Score 1) 631

I don't see (aside from advertising and bribing doctors and hospitals) why acetomenaphine needs to be on the market at all, as there are a plethora of newer, more effective, and safer analgesics these days. Acetominaphine won't relieve swelling at all, while aspirin and other analgesics will.

First, acetaminophen has been on the market so long that I'm sure there is no financial incentive to prescribe it. Some of the newer cocktails, maybe, but I think most of the drugs listed now have generics in the US market.

Second, acetaminophen is the only OTC pain killer that is not a blood thinner to some degree. I was specifically instructed to take acetaminophen rather than ibuprofen which, while not as bad as aspirin, still thins the blood.

Comment Re:Sales after death (Score 1) 387

Actually I was thinking that now I can actually buy a CD or two of his. While he was alive I refused to give him a nickel. Let's face it, in addition to being a very bizarre man with a horrible upbringing he was also almost certainly a serial pedophile.

Now it doesn't matter. My few dollars in royalties will go to his children.

Comment Re:Suggestion (Score 1) 211

It's agnostic as to the document type (PDF/HTML/Word) whatever and can use plugins (beagle, etc) to do full-text search. Generally we find that proper meta-data to describe the document (title, abstract, topics, keywords) is much more useful than a full text search. But yeah, it won't do what you mention.

Comment Suggestion (Score 3, Insightful) 211

I wrote and maintain a project to do this:

"DocDB is a powerful and flexible collaborative web based document server which maintains a versioned list of documents. Information maintained in the database includes, author(s), title, topic(s), abstract, access restriction information, etc."

It's intended for collaborations, but groups from 5 to 500 use it.

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