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Submission + - No Slashdot April Fools Jokes in 2008 8

An anonymous reader writes: Slashdot will not be participating in the April Fools jokes this year due to a lawsuit that was settled out of court with undisclosed terms stemming from the 2007 April 1st stunts. The false stories were determined to be too egregious by a yet to be named individual. Slashdot's parent company SourceForge, Inc. found it wiser to settle out of court then a lengthy battle that was obviously going to span several months.

The ponies will be missed.
Social Networks

Submission + - Internet Division by Zero, Fark/Digg/Reddit

Constantine XVI writes: "Digg links to Fark (http://digg.com/odd_stuff/Fark_the_not_news_news). Valleywag covers it (http://valleywag.com/365291/farkcom-gets-dugg-threatening-collapse-of-space+time-continuum), also Digging their coverage (http://digg.com/tech_news/Fark_com_gets_Dugg_threatening_collapse_of_space_time. Fark links to the Digg of the Valleywag story (http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=3452481. Digg diggs the Fark page (http://digg.com/tech_news/Fark_links_to_Valleywag_linking_to_Digg_linking_to_Fark). And it all ends up on Reddit (URL:http://reddit.com/info/6baan/comments/>). And (assuming this is accepted), it's now on Slashdot, causing the Internet to suck itself into a black hole."

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
