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Comment Re:This baffles me... (Score 1) 236

The hack is pretty much just putting the DVD in the slot and booting to it. It's just another OS install. Pretty sure you could do it with a USB memory stick as well. It pretty much comes down to personal preference, doesn't it? I've been using Linux since the mid 90's and UNIX since the late 80's. I work exclusively with free software and never purchased any OSX software. Things both Unixy and Javay always felt like second-class citizens on OSX -- directories were laid out in odd places, upgrading packages was clunky, getting X11 working felt awkward, trying to update pre-installed UNIX applications was a pain and so forth. I was maintaining this additional layer that I wasn't really using and which was getting in my way. So I decided to reformat the system over to Ubuntu.

Several of my complaints at that time revolved around Java updates for the system. I was doing a lot of Java development at the time and running on Apple software, the only game in town for Java updates was Apple and they just weren't doing them. Since then my attitude toward Java has shifted from mercenary ambivalence to outright hatred and that wouldn't really be an issue anymore. But the fact of the matter is that I'll always just feel most comfortable on a Linux system anyway.

Comment I've Actually Been Kicking Around The Idea (Score 1) 236

The surface pro looks like it'd be a halfway decent little machine once you get done wiping windows and installed Ubuntu on it. And Ubunutu looks like it'd be a halfway decent OS once you got done wiping Unity and install Enlightenment on it. I've been keeping an eye out for a possible replacement for an aging 17" powerbook, which was also a pretty decent machine once you got done wiping OSX and installed Ubuntu on it. I'd mostly be previewing videos from a GoPro, processing them minimally with Kdenlive, and uploading them to youtube. It would be nice to have a few more gigabytes of storage than the current round of tablets offer, as less than a couple hundred gigabytes starts to get cramped awfully fast when you're pushing video around like that, but I wouldn't be out more than a week or so at a time and could just sync up with a file server at the house with git annex whenever I'm home.

Comment Working at Ericsson (Score 1) 441

I did a contract gig at Ericsson for about a year. As a white male citizen of the USA, I was in the minority in that company fir the first time in a 30 year career and it was awesome! That year I had several folks from the office over for Thanksgiving -- we had several people working contracts from overseas so they didn't have anywhere particularly else to go and a couple of them had never attended a Thanksgiving feast before. That felt very much like how people should get along -- just hanging out and having a good time without regard for nationality or sex. The office environment was much the same. It never felt like anyone was going out of the way to make anyone else feel like they fit in, but everyone just fit in. If your only experience is with US companies and their environment makes you uncomfortable, perhaps you should try a European one!

Comment Re:oh boy! (Score 2) 253

My last review went kind of like this. My manager didn't really understand what I did, had no idea how well I'd accomplished my goals and told me outright that most of the department was getting an "average" review to insure that one guy in the department would get a raise that year. That guy left about a month later. My "this is a good company" score for them went down about 80% that day.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 249

Well, yeah, I was being vague there. At some point we decide that somewhere in the universe is where the reference time should be measured. But if we put it in some lumpy gravity well, it'd probably lead to interstellar strife in a couple thousand years. Really, anywhere in the solar system is probably "Bad". Too many things distorting the space-time. I suppose you could put a few clocks around and average them. I think that's what they do with the current ones.

Comment It's Quite a Lot of Fuckery To Be Sure (Score 5, Informative) 574

Add to the mix a huge bunch of incredibly low quality recruiters who swarm any resume update on the job boards. These can be Indian recruiters trying to find a body to fill a position to outright scams trying to convince you to buy something up front for a job opportunity, or just criminals looking to steal your identity. On the employer side, so many candidates are playing buzzword bingo to try to get through HR that it's impossible to identify a qualified candidate by looking at anyone's resume. It's a huge waste of time for everyone.

Basically the job boards are now so useless that your best bet is to start networking in-person with as many local companies as you can. I've already run across some companies that are starting to realize this and host technology meet-ups. While this isn't the best state of affairs, at the very least we might be able to start flushing out some useless HR staff that make it impossible to even interview remotely qualified employees. It'd be funny if this entire process goes full circle and we end up with job postings in classified sections of local papers. That would probably be better than what we have now.

Comment But... (Score 1) 249

Would they actually be able to detect the change in the flow of the time with just one clock, or would they need to have a reference clock somewhere and measure another clock relative to it? And if so, where do you keep the reference? Where in the universe is it the "correct" time?

Comment Oh, Yeah... (Score 2) 152

I see the second skydiving video I uploaded yesterday has the option for 1080p60. The first one I uploaded that same day has 1080 but not 60 fps, though I processed it the same way (kdenlive on ubuntu.) The video does look a lot closer to the original GoPro footage than previous videos I've uploaded to youtube. I'm not sure if they'd enable it for a 15 minute high pull video where I'm just flying around looking at scenery. A friend of mine who's a fellow skydiver was complaining about video quality on youtube and looking around for another site to host his video on. At the time, Dailymotion had much better overall video quality but did seem to lose some frames here and there.

Of course, the new GoPro can record in 4K, so if you're a professional who gets more than a couple hundred hits on any given video, you're probably still better off hosting and serving your own video. Then you wouldn't need to worry about your service's processing mangling your video, or them crapping ads all over it.

Comment That's his opinion (Score 1) 594

No human endeavor is risk free. But it's OK to have that attitude. You'd have just been one of the guys who stayed home when Columbus set sail for the new world. Sure there's a lot of difference between tooling around in a sail boat and setting sail for a new world, but you don't just one day wake up and decide to build a ship that can take you and several dozen passengers to a new world. At some point before you did that, some rich guy would have built a sailboat.

Also: all the guys who stayed home the day Columbus set sail for the new world are dead now, too.

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