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Comment Uh... right... (Score 4, Insightful) 349

Let me see if I get this right: Three letter agencies refuse to work in compliance with the Constitution and pre-Bush era FISA law... where few people can remember why the original FISA was passed (look it up, it has everything to do with illegal three letter agency data collection on US citizens during the early to mid-20th century, very much like what we're facing now)... where people forget that NSA lawyers were directed by Darth Cheney to find every means of justifying to the secret court (what? a secret court in America? really???) four (that we know so far), count 'um, four illegal spying programs... which the aforementioned secret court accepted with few, if any limits!... so Baby Bush could wave a court signed piece of paper that granted his illegal spy programs legitimacy... and that anti-American "socialist" Obama continually supports... where citizens of the Formerly Great Country of the USA demand safety in nearly gleeful exchange for freedoms... and not one single person involved in these clearly illegal activities has been put on trial... while the US Government hunts those who might reveal aforementioned illegal activities...

Problem? What problem? Oh. Right. Ice cold Busch and NASCAR await. Gotta go...

Comment Re:Ignoring China ? (Score 1) 268

Serious students of PRC policy in regards to the role of science and technology need to read China’s Program for Science and Technology Modernization: Implications for American Competitiveness . In particular...

...Viewing science and technology as the key to economic development and international competitiveness, the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has launched a comprehensive effort to become an innovative nation by 2020 and a global scientific power by 2050. China’s effort will draw significantly on the resources and planning role of the state, whose national science programs have long made targeted investments in research and development (R&D) efforts in areas deemed critical China’s economic and military needs...

Additionally, this could shed further light on the topic - State Council, Guojia Zhongchangqi Kexue he Jishu Fazhan Guihua Gangyao (2005 - 2020) National Medium to Long - term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology (2005 - 2020), February 9, 2006. http://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2006 - 02/09/content_183787_2.htm

I agree that America needs to wake up to more than corporate "profitability" that has enabled the transfer of manufacturing, product development, and intellectual property into China. China clearly knew what they wanted when they opened it's doors to the West and enabled US corporations to fill America's shelves with cheap goods. It is only a means to a much bigger end for China and it is coming at a very steep cost to the common citizens (ie: labor, engineering) in America.

The same goes for China. Industrially, they're getting to where the US was in the mid-1800s. Their space technology is in the 1950s, and early 1960s. Socially, they're pre-1750s in many ways. Militarily, they're in the 1910s, at best

I certainly hope that you are NOT an American.

If you are, please, I beseech you, please WAKE THE FUCK UP.

America is in a steep decline, and the rate of decline has quicken in the past 2 decades.

And America's decline is in stark contrast with the rapid growth of Brazil, India and China.

Comment Why is it...? (Score 1, Interesting) 425

Why is it that taxpayer money can be used to bail out corporations and banks while not lifting a finger to help "We the People"? _And_ to "forgive" or write-off billions in unpaid debt? I'm shocked the CEO's and corporate officers who drove those companies into the ground haven't been lynched by the citizens of your country.

... which leads me to once again wonder if the bottom 99% in America will ever wake up to discover they have a comment interest and see how powerful they can be when acting together... but that's a topic for another time...

Comment Re:Enough (Score 2) 177

I think this is too simplistic. You can replace every single president, senator and congress-critter in Washington and you'll have the same outcome as you're faced with today. The reason is that members of three letter agencies feel, with all their bleed'n-red-Amerikan-hearts that they are responsible maintaining "continuity". They don't care which political party is in power. They know politicians will come and go.

I think you're very close with your inclusion of generals on your list of those needing to be replaced. Broaden that a bit to include anyone who can set policy and direction without public review and oversight , and I think you'd have something to work with.

Which is the reason behind my ongoing snickering over a recently /.'d article that described how "hurt" NSA employees are that Obama has not paid them a personal visit. I can't imagine who died and left them in charge, but in charge they definitely feel. Think about it from my perspective and the underlying meaning of their being "hurt" might take on new weight and meaning.

No the problems start at the top, Senators, Presidents, powerful Congressmen, generals...

Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 1) 293

I agree. You are, indeed, a god!! You've hit the proverbial nail right on the fucking head!!!

The surveillance revelations so far have been scary, sinister, infuriating, offensive. But this one? This is just... sad.

OK, bad guys could potentially use the in-game comms functions on X-Box live to plans their nefarious deeds, but do we really need to be paying teams of people to go into the games and play them all day long? If they really need to snoop on that shit (they don't) then couldn't they just hoover up all the conversations and analyse them offline like they do our emails, phone calls, texts etc? What additional benefit does having someone actually in the game world offer? Are they worried that somewhere out there a virtual ogre and elf controlled by kiddie-porn-terrorists are communicating in avatar sign language or something? This is fucking ridiculous.

Our government is telling us they can't afford basic shit like hospitals and education and welfare, but they can afford to pay dorks to play Xbox all fucking day. I get the feeling some very ballsy gamer put together a presentation to get paid taxpayers' money for playing CoD all day long and hit the jackpot. If there was any justice on this fucking planet we'd all be knee deep in fired "intelligence" agents months ago.

If I had mod points you'd be a god.

Woudl you settle for an "atta' boy!"?

Submission + - We The People (Whitehouse.gov) Petition for increased NASA funding (whitehouse.gov)

corando writes: I came across this petition and thought I'd share with fellow slashdotters (it may not be well written, but it is nice to see some people still care):

Increase NASA funding. So we can discover new worlds, protect us from danger and to make dreams come true. CJ, Age: 6.5

Increase the funding for NASA so that children can dream of exploring the universe. Science funding is the future of our country.

Submission + - Life Could Have Evolved 15 Million Years After The Big Bang, Says Cosmologist (medium.com)

KentuckyFC writes: Goldilocks zones are regions around stars that are 'just right' for liquid water and for the chemistry of life as we know it. Now one cosmologist points out that the universe must have been through a Goldilocks epoch, a period in which warm, watery conditions could have existed on almost any planet in the entire cosmos. The key phenomenon here is the cosmic background radiation, the afterglow of the Big Bang which was blazing hot when it first formed. But as the universe expanded, the wavelength of this radiation increased, lowering its energy. Today, it is an icy 3 Kelvin. But somewhere along the way, it must have been between 273 and 300 Kelvin, just right to keep water in liquid form. According to the new calculations, this Goldilocks epoch would have occurred when the universe was about 15 million years old and would have lasted for several million years. And since the first stars had a lifespan of only 3 million years or so, that allows plenty of time for the heavy elements to have formed which are necessary for planet formation and the chemistry of life. Indeed, if live did evolve a this time, it would have predated life on Earth by about 10 billion years.

Comment Re:Reasonable expectations (Score 3, Interesting) 256

Er. No. Three letter agency spying on US citizens is illegal. Period. Ever read the 4th amendment to your constitution? Perhaps you should.

The logic espoused by the quoted idea is the same as saying if police were to start strip searching everyone without cause, it would be reasonable simply because it always happens.

Yes, it is. Gone through an airport lately?

Comment Re:Reasonable expectations (Score 3, Interesting) 256

Exactly!!! Well illustrated points.

Standards of "reasonable-ness" in the US and UK are completely screwed up. More importantly, claiming illegal actions "reasonable" does not make them any less unlawful, now does it?

Pretty soon, the argument about whether you have in any given facet of your life a "reasonable expectation of privacy" may take on a whole new meaning.

No, it absolutely will not. People need to get through their heads that just because your rights are violated, that doesn't mean expecting them not to be becomes unreasonable. If someone breaks into your house every day, it doesn't become "reasonable" for them to do so, or unreasonable for you to expect people to stay out of your house.

The logic espoused by the quoted idea is the same as saying if police were to start strip searching everyone without cause, it would be reasonable simply because it always happens.

Stop that.

Comment Re:Privacy != Paranoia (Score 1) 78

Indeed. Privacy does _not_ equal paranoia.

I hate to see us have to fight this fight, yet again. It appears we need to, once more, remind our government and corporate overlords that what we do and who we are is really none of their business. Just because we pay taxes or give them our hard earned money in exchange for cheap pieces of electronic crap does _not_ mean they have the right to know everything or anything about us.

Comment Re:What the heck has happened to the West ? (Score 2) 132

... so how do your comments square with the following?

From Chemical and Engineering news -

Reagan’s economic programs, so controversial then and now, generally supported federal science programs... As Reagan’s term went on, however, the rising federal deficits and lower revenues that were the result of a recession took their toll on R&D budgets. Soon, agencies such as the Energy Department, the National Bureau of Standards, and even the National Institutes of Health were looking at budget cuts.

Further, from "The Revolution that Killed Society", we read...

The Regan Revolution went much further than to just corrupt previously publicly owned companies: they mandated that every service that had begun with ownership by the public needed to be privatized; because only the private corporate-world could make money with things like public services, that up until then had been "a drain" on the public purse. 'Privatization would bring an economic windfall from the drudgery and incompetence of publicly owned services. The justification by the Regan Revolution was that Everything Must Earn a Profit, or it should be terminated: The entire idea of society providing anything for its citizens was heresy to any True-Capitalist.

The result was 'The Revolution That Killed Society'. Everything from the buses and the trains, to electricity, natural gas and heating oil, public hospitals, and public health: indeed everything except possibly firefighters and police have been privatized: and now even those two "services" are experimenting with the idea of privatization as well.

The size of government actually increased under Reagan. This has to stand in stark contrast with his stated goals of downsizing government. From the Reagan Budget, we learn that "People around the country seem to understand what no one in Washington will admit: The budget is out of control. The growth of government is out of control...

Lastly, I take no position on Right vs Left in American politics, except to note that neither party works for We the People. Both parties work hard for the monied class. Hence my belief that America has a one party system. It's called the Business Party and it has two factions that conveniently distract America's citizens by providing great theater as they fight amongst themselves. "Liberals" in the US look better than "Conservatives" only in that they don't say stupid things quite as often as the Rabid Right. Neither faction has any idea how to govern for We the People.

To start, the US de-funded scientific research. It had to, in part, because Ronald Raygun privatized many government functions.

Nice theory, but doesn't agree with reality...

Comment Re:What the heck has happened to the West ? (Score 4, Interesting) 132

To start, the US de-funded scientific research. It had to, in part, because Ronald Raygun privatized many government functions. What was the practical effect? It means that rather than paying managers of a government function a government salary, you now take bids from private companies who have only one interest at heart: To make the managers of the private company rich. The cost of government has risen dramatically thereby. Think I'm wrong? Look at SAIC, Ross Perot and his old company, and all the companies related to war and contracting "security" services (just to scratch the surface). Which is directly related to why America spends well north of 55 percent of it's national budget on war related costs, instead of the less than 25 percent of a national budget that European countries do. So, in a country where people do not like government, don't want to pay any tax, in a country where R&D incentives (first initiated during WWII) are removed, in a country that feels it's OK to send jobs to China (effectively making China's middle class rich and America's poor) you end up being left behind on the ideological, scientific, basic research items.

Europe has it's own financial problems right now. It did three things. First, it allowed Germany to become not only the bankers of the EU, but to become the economic powerhouse of the EU as well. Second, many EU countries bought a ton of AAA-rated US mortgage packages that turned out to be junk. Take a close look at which countries bought what and you'll see the effect I'm pointing out. Third, the EU tried to grow their economy by doing what the US and UK did; make cheap loans available as a means of boosting production. Bad move, right? Credit bubbles seldom last forever. Look at what it did to Spain.

Which leads me to this: First world nation's governments are deeply involved in "realpolitik", and are no longer paying attention to the ideologies on which they were founded or the ideologies of science as it might relate to industry. In the US and UK this means enabling corporate and banker greed. On mainland Europe, this means getting wrapped around the axle of competing political interests.

...What the heck happened to the usually technologically more advanced societies of the Western countries ?

Asia is playing catch up very very fast, and before long, they might even get ahead of you guys !

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