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Comment It's free if you don't value your time (Score 0) 229

I despise articles like this.

Can you get hardware and software for free? Yes. You need to do a lot of hustling though to get the components, assemble the network and keep it running. Additional, electricity and internet access are never free. Someone has to maintain the network, install software and answer user questions.

You can't whip a linux network on a bunch of teachers and expected it to be useful. I can't even do that with IT professionals.

Comment This finding does not match my experience (Score 3, Informative) 491

Agile is not a product. It is a mindset. Each team needs to workout what that means for them. I have been in teams for two companies that used Agile methods heavily and it has worked out very well for business units (predictable deliveries), developers (predictable work hours) and customers (higher quality releases).

I am positive Agile is not a silver bullet for every project. Software engineering is still a hard problem to generalize.

Comment Easy answer: spend $100 on MDR7506 (Score 1) 448

I have been using these for over 10 years:

These have fantastic fidelity, are lightweight and all around groovy.

Every other headphone I've used under $100 has some level of fail (yes, I am looking at you apple
earbuds) that makes me feel like I have just burned money.

United States

In Nothing We Trust 910

Hugh Pickens writes "Ron Fournier and Sophie Quinton write in the National Journal that seven in 10 Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track; eight in 10 are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed, only 23 percent have confidence in banks, and just 19 percent have confidence in big business. Less than half the population expresses "a great deal" of confidence in the public-school system or organized religion. 'We have lost our gods,' says Laura Hansen. 'We've lost it—that basic sense of trust and confidence—in everything.' Humans are coded to create communities, and communities beget institutions. What if, in the future, they don't? People could disconnect, refocus inward, and turn away from their social contract. Already, many are losing trust. If society can't promise benefits for joining it, its members may no longer feel bound to follow its rules. But history reminds us that America's leaders can draw the nation together to solve problems. At a moment of gaping income inequality, when the country was turbulently transitioning from a farm economy to a factory one, President Theodore Roosevelt reminded Americans, 'To us, as a people, it has been granted to lay the foundations of our national life.' At the height of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt chastised the business and political leaders who had led the country into ruin. 'These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men,' said FDR. 'Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This Nation asks for action, and action now.'"

Comment Old men fighting (Score 1, Flamebait) 129

Has anyone else noticed how irrelevant Microsoft, Internet Explorer and (sadly) Firefox are in 2012?

If this were 2001, I would agree that this is a big story.

Let Microsoft fight over the dredges of the desktop market. That's a declining market.

No one will take your Firefox away from you Linux desktop, so untwist your knickers.

Comment ESR? What nostaglia! (Score 2) 410

You kids and your love of stuff we did in the 90s -- it's ADORABLE!

Listening to ESR is like logging into myspace, friendster or orkut for new messages.

I may agree with quite a few of his basic arguments, but he flipped the bozo bit a long, long time ago.

You'll excuse me. I have an Old School Roleplaying game to DM...

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