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Comment Re:Nations fear it, but they fear each other more. (Score 2) 221

They are actually okay with just the bad guys using it because they can have the computing power and attack vectors to break small amounts of encryption (and they'll be able to narrow down who the bad guys are). It's only when everyone uses that it becomes a problem for surveillance.

Comment Re:Socially Acceptable (Score 2) 408

And how will they do that? Oh right, in the article, she says they are going to inform people, and then social opinion shall be so! Wow! She should run for president!

I agree that region locking is absolutely beneficial to media companies because it allows them to charge different prices to different markets. If you remember Econ 101, as you raise the price, your demand drops, but there is still demand. What if you could charge only those people that higher price? That's what media companies are trying to do. What if you could exclude other suppliers, e.g. control supply? That's also what they are trying to do. Unfortunately, it totally screws compatibility of playback devices and is generally just a pain to deal with. However, they want you to think it's socially unacceptable to try to get around it because they want to make more money. Okay, good luck with that, free speech and all.

Comment Re:"stealing just like stealing anything else" (Score 1) 408

Correct, the NSA, Google, and Facebook are collecting our data. They are not stealing. In the case of the NSA, there might be 4th amendment issues, but that's illegal search and seizure (which might be worse) but it's not stealing. We have different words, phrases, and laws with different punishments for a reason. You used the phrase, "like a thief." In other words, you yourself admit that it's not. To continue to call it what's it's not to embellish the effect is what journalism calls sensationalism - it's a sort of propaganda. Also, you gave the funniest example of why it's like a thief - that it's because the person got something for nothing. So ... if I get a free sample at Costco, I'm a thief?

Comment Re:Let's be realistic... (Score 1) 468

I used to use CCCP on MPC, but now I've moved on KCP because it sets up MadVR for MPC, which gives you vastly superior processing options for scaling and postprocessing a video up to the full size of your screen. The smaller and noisier the source, the bigger the difference you see. You can set up MadVR manually as well. Also, some people prefer the more modern look of the MPC-BE fork of Media Player Classic (instead of the main line MPC-HC).

I only use VLC on non-Windows machines, like my Macbook (and on there, the tiny playback bar that's like only 1/4 of the horizontal screen drives me nuts - not sure if that's just because my display is high rez at 2560x1440).

Comment Re:Yes to Brexit (Score 1) 396

The European Central Bank has already declared that they won't let any of their member states go under, which means they are committed to printing as much money as needed. In the end, it's not like they are transferring wealth to the bailout country anyway (that already happened when the money was borrowed). Now, they're just paying off the debt to their own banks. In other words, a taxpayer-funded bank bailout.

Comment Re:Schools that ban game consoles see better resul (Score 1) 113

Both ways? You had a full court!? And you couldn't be bothered to set up hoops to shoot from half-court? Dang, you're the most entitled of them all. You're all lucky to have a court - we had to play on the street shooting through the broken window of whatever car was being robbed at the time. When it came to picking teams, you picked the players that were best at dodging cars and bullets.

Comment Re:Old news, over and over (Score 4, Informative) 147

I got my CMStorm for $55 after $20 rebate from Newegg. It was shocking how much less the gaming peripheral companies could sell these for.

It's my normal-use typing keyboard that I use for gaming too. I got the Cherry MX Brown. Common types are:
Cherry MX Blue - classic clicky switch, half-way press
Cherry MX Red - pure gaming - key is light (a lot less force to push down) and must be pressed down all the way (to benefit double-tapping)
Cherry MX Brown - In-between blue and red
I initially purchased a Blue (from DAS), but I hated it (too heavy and noisy), and returned it to Amazon. Brown was perfect though. More info about switches here:

Comment Re:Contract of Carriage (Score 2) 126

Just claim you're feeling sick, and you'll re-book for later after a rest. They don't let people who are feeling really sick get on even if they want to. Truth is, they can't do much to the passenger, and that's why they are trying to bully the messenger. I say bully because they don't have much of a case given that connecting info is all public info.

Comment Re:'Hidden city' explanation (Score 1) 126

Yup, exactly. It's no different procedurally than someone missing their flight. What's different is that they didn't earn as much as market research said people were willing to pay, and they're pissed about that. They probably know they don't have a case, but they intend to just sue the source of info as a bully tactic.

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