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Comment Re:VR is a fad (Score 2) 84

It's not holographic, and it's not VR, it's AR. The latest reviews have been terrible, saying MS reduced the field of view of the AR display to a little box in the middle of your vision. There's still hope they'll fix it based on this feedback, but as-is Hololens is DOA.

Comment Re:Seems he has more of a clue (Score 5, Insightful) 703

Correct. Most of these "skeptics" are right-wing cranks fed their beliefs from wingnut blogs, hate radio, and Fox News. They're not only not scientists, they don't believe in any science that runs counter to right-wing dogma. At some point the Republicans put out so much disinformation that the party became a cult, totally disconnected from reality.

Comment Re:Progressive Fix 101 (Score 2, Insightful) 622

Of course the huge difference is that progressives are concerned about real problems, and the ignorant conservatives are concerned about imaginary enemies and preserving superstition. There's really no comparison with the conservatives completely off the rails from hate-radio, wingnut blogs, and Fox News.

Comment Re:No kidding ... (Score 1) 88

That depends on if you have to give the devices Internet access, because someone can potentially take over your whole network via a non-secure IOT device. This stuff needs to stay inside your firewall with no outside connection until manufacturers take security seriously. I don't care if someone messes with my light bulbs, I do care if they wipe my servers via an IOT exploit.

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