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Comment Re:Predictions? (Score 1) 183

The real dangers,besides frying your brain,will be the ultimate of addictions.Called Wireheading,with electrodes implanted into the pleasure center of the brain,you could possibly "Pleasure "yourself until you die of neglect.I first heard of this via the Known Space series of books by Larry Niven.(Louis Wu was a wirehead in The Ringworld Engineers) Take your time,think it through(Something else from those books)

Comment Re:It's still morally reprehensible (Score 1) 418

Just because it is legal to do this doesn't make it right.Make the big Corporations BLEED for screwing their customers.Write an email saying never again will you purchase ANYTHING from (Fill in the blank here) company.If enough people do this,they will think twice before doing it again.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 1143

Well,it's a good thing that I kept my 60s era Warm Morning stove (Coal and wood burning,made in the USA BTW).I'd like to see any Fed come to Southeastern Kentucky and leave intact after trying to enforce anything like that.The NY Mob tried in the 1970s & couldn't handle the Hillbillies (95% of them were sent home in glorified garbage bags) and the urbanites from the EPA sure as hell can't.We could always shut off the coal supply and then you can do without electric power.Think about it. I can always weld a good stove from old coal truck rims,so WTF

Comment Tesla Proven Right,Again (Score 2) 71

Sounds an awful lot like the Philadelphia Experiment except on a smaller scale. Not surprising that the work of Nikola Tesla,which in a lot of ways was way ahead of its time,is being re-examined.How many more of his discoveries will finally see the light of day after being suppressed for 60 or 70 years? All I can say is this -> "You Ain't seen Nothing Yet"

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
