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Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 573

"Today we generate more electricity from non-fossil fuel than all of electricity we used to generate just 40 years ago"

And those nonfossil sources are hydro and nuclear, compared to which all the other carbon-free sources are a rounding error. If Greenpeace were really trying to reduce carbon, it wouldn't be opposing these every chance it gets.

Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 2) 573

Everybody loved Greenpeace when it was saving whales. Then it didn't just take a turn to the left, but to the radical anti-human left. Now it reflexively opposes anything that might promote humanity, like changing fuels from fossil to nuclear if, perchance, their own climate scenario were proved true.

Comment Re:This is why I always use Uber (Score 1) 49

"What I dont understand is , whats the big deal about uber? why is everyone giving it so much publicity? "

Vast press coverage accorded to a service that most people would need about once a year. Such is the scorn of rent-seekers whose gummint granted monopoly is threatened.

What I really want to see is for the Uber concept to be applied to health care. That's when the news will get really interesting.

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