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Comment Cheney. Plame. (Score 1) 161

Cheney and his little cohort committed cold blooded murdered when they outed Valerie Plame and her Iranian anti-nuke intel program. Just to get even with her husband. That's Kingpin-level asshole murder. Any Iranian associated with her front groups was tortured to death as a traitor.

Bill Kristol is floating the idea that Cheney should run for President this week. I don't see Cheney imprisoned in any embassy. I don't see roboposters slamming his rep and spreading false charges on every. single. thread. on. the. internet. his story might be told.

Comment Re:hes not the one to blame. (Score 1) 161

Whom did he throw the bone to? Was it to the NSA, who were listening to his calls? How else? He must have told someone that he was on that plane. He most certainly didn't call up the White House to tell them. He must have told someone, knowing full well that person would rat him out, or he knew his calls and emails were being monitored in real time.

Comment Re:For work I use really bad passwords (Score 2) 136

The best passwords are the random ones generated by password managers, but the silly rules prevent you from using them. They also prevent people from using secure "personal words" like that weirdly named village you passed through once on vacation. All passwords-by-rule tend to deteriorate to obvious word with initial capital with a 0 or a 1 on the end.

Comment Re:Shows just how far the U.S. will go to get him (Score 0) 161

There are no "rape charges". Never were. He's wanted, by order of a single right-wing prosecutor which our intel boys carefully selected, to answer questions about not using a condom once during a threesome - a session be conducted only on a particular spot next to a convenient airport for the US to snatch him up and drag him to a kangaroo trial wherever they care to hold one. If they even bother to charge him. They refuse to ask the questions anywhere but where the US can snatch him. For this he's been in a single room in an embassy for half a decade while the Brits spend millions of pounds to watch the doors, at the behest of the English-speaking intelligence nations little club. The fact that he exposed their crimes seems to be a bit pertinent. They're the charged, and convicted, and yet they have the guns ready to shoot him. No one is waiting for them to leave their holes.

BTW, one of the women has departed this "case" in disgust, because she figured out she's being used by the US. What Assange did, if he did it, was to not use a condom during a night of three-way sex. They said. It's a crime only in that country; nowhere else in the world can this "crime" be charged. And the "crime" isn't rape. Let's put it out there: US intelligence used its NSA superpowers to track down every woman Assange ever slept with, contacted them, and twiggled and wiggled until they found something, somewhere, to start an investigation on territory they could use to grab him. Even then, they had to shop until they found a rightwinger that hated him enough to start the process. Other prosecutors had refused to gin up a crime. Simultaneously they used their widespread network of tame journalists and news companies to spread the "rape" accusation far and wide, to destroy his credibility and blacken his name. And as the HB Gary emails showed, there is software sold by HB Gary and others used by people employed by corporations and the government to set up networks of fake personas to splatter newsgroups such as this with horseshit that they want to promulgate. Truth may just be getting its shoes on while lies run around the world, but now they have paid groups of fake people shooting the truth before it gets out the goddamned door.

Comment Your best bet would be hydropower (Score 2) 365

This would start with the same hydromechanical power that preceded the industrial revolution: small dams providing direct mechanical power for mills and machinery. At the same time, you can smelt metals with wood, After initial reboot, being able to machine metals and draw wire would lead to hydroelectricity.

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