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Comment Re:Fuck religion. (Score 1) 903

Obamacare is something that is particularly problematic for religious organizations.

Perhaps then it's time to examine the tax status of those religious organizations!

Seems to me that they should have plenty of extra cash lying around somewhere that they weren't required to pay in taxes. That should be more than enough to cover some pills for the well-being of your fellow parishioners.

Comment Re:You had it coming (Score 1) 242

That is the definition of a straw man argument.

To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.

Comment Re:You had it coming (Score 1) 242

Show the US be embarrassed for helping to stop about 50 terrorist plots outside the US? Should it be embarrassed for helping to defense Western Europe from the Soviet Union? The NSA was involved in both of those.

That is also a strawman. OP didn't mention anything about foiled terrorist plots or irrelevant 20th century geopolitics.

Comment Re:What is it then? (Score 1) 246

I think that you are purposefully missing the point. Fact is, ADHD is a legitimate diagnosis that is made by psychiatrists (yes real medical doctors). However, much like a hypochondriac co-worker's "migraine", or whether that person using the handicapped parking spot is really handicapped, we humans tend to draw conclusions based on our own realities. In my experience, the toughest part about having ADHD is the public perception. Those of us with it can experience nasty feedback loops, whereby a lack of attention at any given moment (for instance, during a conversation) requires one to play catch-up, thus missing the next essential bit of information, and so forth. There are several methods of treatment, only some of which include drugs. Please educate yourself and be less condescending.

Submission + - A Conversation With Bruce Schneier

An anonymous reader writes: Following on Eben Moglen's mind-warping series of talks about life after Snowden, the Software Freedom Law Center has invited Bruce Schneier to join Eben for a conversation informed by Bruce's own analysis of the leaked documents. Bruce is one of the smartest thinkers around when it comes to understanding how security and surveillance operate in the real world. And he is unsurpassed at presenting complicated security concepts even to people who lack his expertise. Between Moglen's sophisticated thoughts and Bruce's grounded approach, we're sure to learn a lot about where we stand and what we can do next!

Submission + - The real diamond economy .. ( 1

codeusirae writes: The diamond invention—the creation of the idea that diamonds are rare and valuable, and are essential signs of esteem—is a relatively recent development in the history of the diamond trade ..

The major investors in the diamond mines realized that they had no alternative but to merge their interests into a single entity that would be powerful enough to control production and perpetuate the illusion of scarcity of diamonds. The instrument they created, in 1888, was called De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd., incorporated in South Africa ...

Comment Re:that explains something that happened to me (Score 5, Interesting) 154

My father-in-law recently went on a police "ride-a-long" (we live in Virginia Beach, VA). He said that in between responding to domestic disturbance calls, the majority of the time was spent driving around scanning license plates. Prior to that, he didn't even know the police had the capability, much less the desire to track innocent folks. One particular incident occured that night when they pulled up to a vehicle that came up stolen. The cop pulled the guy over, handcuffed him and put him in the back seat. The guy was upset, and for good reason, which would only become clear some minutes later. He was the owner of the car which had previously been reported as stolen, but had not been cleared in the database after it was returned to him.

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