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Comment Does no one on Slashdot understand patents? (Score 2, Interesting) 152

This is NOT a big deal. The patent is very specific, to the point where it would be almost impossible to infringe (and equally difficult to find prior art). They didn't patent "take a picture with a white background.". They patented having a studio arrangement with a background comprising a white cyclorama, captured with an 85mm lens, configured with an ISO settings of 320 and f-stop value of 5.6, with an elevated platform positioned between the platform and background, with front and rear light sources in the longitudinal axis... and it goes on for several pages.

There is NO WAY anyone will be hurt by this patent. It's business as usual. I know you guys love getting mad at big companies, but cool it, you just look silly.

Comment Thanks I guess (Score 2) 2219

We have work to do on four big areas: feature parity (especially for commenting); the overall UI, especially in terms of information density and headline scanning; plain old bugs; and, lastly, the need for a better framework for communicating about the How and the Why of this process

Those are exactly the problems I care about. Mainly information density; I want to see the same amount of information on the screen as I did before. Or at least 75%. It's more like 25% right now. Anyway, I'm glad someone is paying attention.

It would have been nice to hear this earlier though. Maybe you do have people *listening* to the complaints, but it would be nice if someone *responded* to them, and in a human manner.

Comment What the hell Slashdot (Score 3, Informative) 31

The summary leaves out the whole point of the article.

"The observations neatly match theories about the formation of the solar system, which posits that bodies formed in warm environments would be found closer to the sun and those formed in cold environments are farther away... But a new analysis, this time based on 100,000 asteroids of varying sizes, tells a far different story."

Comment Re:Don't generalize; not all open offices are bad (Score 1) 314

No, not company-wide; it was just an experimental thing in a few places. They also experimented with the concept of "mobile workstations", where you don't HAVE an office, you just find a different desk to use every day. Which is nice for people who travel a lot and don't have stuff they actually need to STORE in an office. And strongly disliked by most everyone else.

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