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Comment Isn't asking for social security a crime? (Score 1) 299

You know, if the republican party had their way, being poor and asking for social security benefits would be a crime, since government handouts are socialism which is communism which is evil (that's their logic, anyway). So obviously the program was on the right track. Of course, being rich and asking for a government handout is perfectly fine with republicans, since they expect to get their share of it back in campaign donations etc.

Comment Re:Intel counters with CPU+GPU on a chip (Score 1) 176

Well, essentially Microsoft's monopoly is hurting the end-users by artificially forcing netbooks to be lower-powered than they would be otherwise. I'm sure the manufacturers think it's reasonable since they get to sell more powerful netbooks as upgrades to the old models once Microsoft eases the licensing deal requirements. Or whatever.

Comment Re:The story title is wrong ... (Score 3, Informative) 661

Um, losing weight can be simple, but generally the "exercise more, eat less" argument will fail. If you want to lose weight, keep in mind the following:

  • Increase your fiber intake. Don't eat potatoes, white rise, white pasta or white bread (well, actually, there are fiber rich white breads out there now, so check the nutritional value information if you want some of that). Go for the fiber rich alternatives.
  • Eat small meals, often. You should have small snacks several times during the day (something like one banana is a small snack). Eating a few big meals is bad for you (well, your dentist would have a different opinion, actually, but we're going for weight loss here, taking care of your teeth is easy, xylitol products to the rescue).
  • If you must have sweets (and hey, who doesn't), eat less of them. Even going from a 400g bag of sweets to 200g bag of sweets a week is something that will show in a few months time. Again, it's better to have a sweet after every meal than to try to suppress your sweet tooth and then gobble up everything in one go when that fails.
  • Find opportunities for utility exercise (e.g. walking to the store instead of taking the car, biking to work).
  • Don't torture yourself. If you hate the stuff you're doing for exercise, find some other form of exercise that you can enjoy (or at least, tolerate). The world is full of alternatives when it comes to forms of exercise.

Comment Re:Cynicism (Score 1) 511

Years ago I heard of a study that found out that people who are bullied in school are more likely to have feelings of distrust and paranoia towards other people as adults (not all do, but the statistical difference to people who get through school without being bullied is signifant). Sorry, can't provide the link (heard it on Finnish radio years ago, a Finnish study if I recall correctly).

Comment Re:EU is EU Centric (Score 1) 210

You bought a monopoly. An EU monopoly is no better than a Microsoft monopoly. Both take-away freedom of choice.

Plus your 85-year-old neighbor demanding that you give him money so he can buy a new heart (or house or car), is called theft of property and labor.

He's not asking me for money because the government will pay for the expenses. I pay taxes to the government, but the 85-year old guy has probably paid more taxes in his life than I've yet managed to. He's voted in the elections as have I so it's government by the people. We both wanted public health care, or at least I did (since it comes in handy when I'm unemployed, or maybe when I'm 85 and need a new heart). Where's the theft?

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