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Comment Re:Multiplayer focus (Score 1) 149

Kali was one of the first online gaming platforms (It was an IPX emulator letting you play LAN based games over the internet). Before, before steam, Kali was there.

I spent *a lot* of time on Kali playing Warcraft 2 in the late 90's. You know what game on Kali had the most players back then? And is *still*, in 2015 being played there? It's not Warcraft 2.

If not for the multi-player element, the user base for Descent would not be anything now. Hell people still play Doom & Doom2 (multiplayer) and share WAD's -- it survived usenet. But certainly not due to the single player game.

Comment Re:This plus Anthem (also Blue Cross) (Score 1) 69

For the longest time i was in favor of nationalized healthcare; but now in the era of 'big data' (pardon the buzzword, my soul dies a little bit every time i say stuff like that) -- i'm not so sure.

Do the pros (lower cost, fewer people without coverage) outweigh the cons? (data breaches, loss of privacy, potential for governmental abuse, and/or sticking their snouts where they don't belong)

Seeing private companies suffer from lack of security, and the potential ramifications -- a government run 'insurance' setup would be a much larger target, and while it's cliche, due to bureaucratic incompetence might even have even more lax security standards =/

Comment Re: Like the 100 mpg carburetor (Score 1) 67

Please don't assume for even a second they had altruistic intentions with this. Sure the outcome *might* be 'good', but more than likely it'll function as a way to shovel people onto The Facebook, harvest user information, and be well positioned for advertising if/when these economies start to pick up.

Comment god hertz sucks (Score 3, Funny) 188

I just had a rental from them while my car was in the shop -- Chrysler 200 -- it had the annoying as feck GPS / nav unit.

On vehicle start up, after about 5 seconds it would play a super annoying jingle followed by "Hertz!". No way to turn down the volume, disable it, or turn off the nav unit entirely.

Starting the car.. I felt like Peter on office space preparing to get shocked by the door handle.

Methinks that they went this route to stop people from going postal on that fucking thing, and destroying it. (After a week I was about to.)

Comment Re:UN please go. (Score 1) 190

Stow the outrage. that's not what i'm saying at all. I'm saying that the choice to use, or invest in fossil fuels should NOT be a political decision handed down by the UN.

Further, the effects of that choice would be disproportionately felt by the developing world.

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