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Comment He probably could have planned, ironically! (Score 1) 151

"You can't plan for stuff like that."

He had $65 million in cash. If he had invested the $65 million in land in New Zealand (or a good portion of the $65 million), the US couldn't have taken his assets.

So actually, he could have planned.

A foreign government can't take your land.

Comment Um, stupid dude, have a hint for you (Score 0) 135

Uh --- newbie fella --- if you have the budget, everything has always been open source.

Ultimately, everything is assembly language and this means everything is open source and the US government sure has the budget.

With a single kind of exception, but being a newbie fella, you'd never guess ...

Comment Re:As any developer worth their salt knows (Score 1) 260

You are violating the API established for sentence formation I established which has a strict format of:

Sentence (Optional A As Indefinite Article, N as noun, V as verb, Optional B As Indefinite Article, Optional C As Adjective, Optional N2 As Noun)

Please refrain from posting using the API I established. Also refrain from using math such as X = Y + Z.

Thank you in advance, Mr. How Sad This Actually Is Going To The Supreme Court DOT COM guy.

If API are copyright, I claim ownership of the API Name-Address-City-State-ZIP too.

Comment Re:Generic smear #15377: "He's rich!" (Score 1) 76

I don't have any opinion at all about the specifics.

I dislike cowards. Especially suicide over trivial circumstances.

My heroes are ones that overcome adversity. Not ones that cry over themselves and then take their own lives, for no legitimate reason because they engaged in a legally frowned-on behavior one time too many.

Comment He put himself in the situation (Score 1) 76

He put himself in the situation. And he got caught. It wasn't the first time he did it either. Prosecutors are always big-time jerks --- it is part of the job description.

If anything, the problem is hackers are usually caught up in a very juvenile culture where they decide right and wrong are decided by their social circle and social approval.

Self-pity in adults is the first sign of evil. And the opposite of being an adult. Adults make their own choices.

Self-pity is the concept that you don't create your own circumstances and a rejection of responsibility. He had the world on a silver-platter even if he did a little jail time.

Faced with the choice of growing into an adult and acknowledging there is a world outside his social circle that does not approve of his behavior, he did the childish thing and rejected this and committed suicide.

Nothing noble about this. Not one bit.

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