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Comment Not a talent (Score 1) 3

If he's getting a grip on this stuff at an early age, that's all well and good, but there's no salary for professional urination and no one recognizes being potty-trained as a talent, not after the early years.

Writers could drum up a premise (plot involving alien invasion?) for Tic-Tac-Toe, but it's icing that developers /might/ pay for. You could drum up a well-balanced multi-currency system for Street Fighter (not facetious; the system would improve the game) but it'll never be center-stage or priority.

While I wish the mechanics and foundational designs of many games would consult better minds (gaming at large still hasn't outgrown single-purpose "crafting" hallways that are pointless) there's just no market for something so saturated. The "many games" I speak of? They usually at least collaborate and use what my first line referred to: A sufficient level of general competence that results in adequate mechanics/systems in the game.

A "good idea for a game" is pretty worthless. If you've ever been to a con or kickstarter there's a million dreamers hawking their card game or tabletop of "unique and innovative" design/mechanics.

There's probably a reddit for them. I don't do leddit (or any socnet) but it's a functional place on many boards, I'm sure.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 1) 556

I blame this one on lawyers being indulged by a trigger-happy legal system.

Someone team up with me, we'll stage an assault (the real sticks-and-stones kind) on the steps of a stock exchange or something and sue the theat- I mean bank. We'll draw lots for who has to get shot.

OT: People who insist they were harmed by colored lights on a square screen are victimplay demagogues. I don't care how many bad movies have shown otherwise, a computer can't "EMP your brain" or explode with the force of a grenade, it just sits there and glows.

Comment nc (Score 1) 190

lawl, he thinks consumer purchases are exclusively inextricable to the objective merits of a product/service, and results are a direct reflection of said merits

allow me to break that illusion:


Comment Re:I love contextually useful ads. (Score 1) 69

> I get useful dinner suggestions
Jesus OnaRaptor Christ, it sounds like the fucking infections that claim to "enhance your shopping experience". When I was a kid, I wasn't mowing lawns, I was getting paid to wipe away filth like that. Some of us can get traffic and communicate without bending over and "being informed of consumer opportunities."

On the bright side, this PSA will lessen the cancer out there, whether OP is a shill, retard, or clever strawman. I suppose I owe him a fedora tip in the latter.

Comment Re:Wait. Are gov't regs good or bad? (Score 1) 280

Big Internet have to lean on regs in order to shut down competition.

Big Taxi are leaning on regs to shut down competition.

Since we couldn't stop lobbying and such in the former, we decided to take it out of everyone's hands and put it in gov't's hands.

I don't think Big Taxi has enough muscle to make gov't do the monopolizing for them, but if it comes down to that, we may very well start demanding an initiative to have Public transportation developed, with optimists projecting cheap service as a result.

Oh wait, we already have that.

Comment Re:Creators wishing to control their creations... (Score 1) 268

If you can prove an absence of any physical result, then the situation is indistinguishable from an empty house by the currently-understood metrics of reality.

I have no problem with such a scenario. I couldn't; I'd have no way to know. You might have to bend the laws of physics to achieve it, though. Best get started.

The owners of imaginary property can't even tell if they're being violated. Their metric is conceptual, cultural even: Failure to oblige an entitlement they gave themselves in the first place.

For all I know, a ghost does inhabit my house. Or several. The fuck do I care?

Comment Re:Creators wishing to control their creations... (Score 1) 268

Holding up "I thought of it first" as a paper wall to command the universe, indefinitely, strikes me as futile if not naive. Shout morals if you like, but reality listens closer to logistics. You might want to indulge it in the present, but it's a ridiculously impractical model going forward. Not to say that I have an immediate solution.

Even with respect to morals, I tend to put more priority on people who lose control of their possessions, not people who want illusional control of "their" creations.

Comment nc (Score 1) 699

Websites can post, at users, any legal material they wish.

Users can curate, of what is available, what their computer displays.

Unless either of those two facts change, everything else is details that will persist or substitute in some form. So I'll oblige the article: "Yes, they're dumbfucks (better incompetence than malice) betting on bigger dumbfucks to do ruling."

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