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Comment Re:Optimist (Score 1) 84

I work for a cable company at the corporate level, so I'll give a little insight to the situation. Tom Wheeler is a long standing friend of the cable industry. He was put into his position through cable lobbyists. Most of what he has done has been a well masked throw to the people and cable industry at the same time.

That being said, Tom Wheeler's actions to reclassify cable as Title II was not seen coming. Most from the executive level feel it as a bit of betrayal and honestly this decision won't help the people or the cable companies.

Title II classification gives Wheeler nearly total control of the industry. He now not only has the cable industry's balls in a vice, but all internet based companies like Google and Netflix too. I personally think this is a case of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Why extort one industry when you can have two?

Comment Re:LOL .... (Score 1) 71

The US government has over 4 million employees, so by your logic, they should be way more inefficient because hey are so much bigger.

The next closest is Walmart (2 million), and while they are a terrible company with terrible customer service that I will never shop at, I wouldn't call them inefficient. Their supply chain management system was revolutionary.

Comment Re:Randian Dumbfuckery (Score 1) 318

True, the government has an obligation to protect citizens from other citizens. They do not have any obligation to protect citizens from themselves. That is a HUGE difference and if you don't understand it, I'm not going to waist my breath. The case of forcing citizens to wear seat belts falls into the latter.

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