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Comment Re:So, don't download it (Score 1) 367

This ignores the fact that without the trolling and threats, Yik Yak might be a service that people want to use and benefit from. Your comment could just as easily be applied to the internet in general. I don't think society has a very bright future if every time the trolls move in, we simply let the forum or medium "die off". This is already happening with most sites that allow comments on news articles - the trolls have prevented any meaningful discussion and the commenting is shut down. It is not a good thing.

No, I don't think there's a law that will adequately address the issue without harming other freedoms, but letting potentially useful services die off because of random assholes seems too far in the other direction.

Comment Re:Thing everyone is missing (Score 1) 340

To my knowledge Quebecker isn't really a derogatory term by itself, but then I am not from Quebec. Similarly I don't think "newfie" is derogatory (someone from Newfoundland), though the term is often used in many negative contexts. Quebecois is more of an official french term for someone from Quebec, though I've heard it used in both english and french contexts.

Comment Re:Would the owners produce this? (Score 1) 255

I'm not sure if the trademark is an issue, but I would definitely say it is confusing. When I saw the title "Power Rangers", and that they had professional actors (as far as Katee Sackhoff goes), and good production quality, I assumed this was some kind of licensed spinoff.

/Didn't read TFA, didn't finish watching TFM, and definitely hated TFS.

Comment Re:Books (Score 1) 698

This is interesting. I was not close to my father when he died (I was about 20), which I regret very much now, and I would absolutely love to come across any videos of him talking about anything. I recently rewatched a video from his second marriage ceremony. Certainly I cried, it made me sad, but it enriched me to see video of him as a happy person. Afterwards I felt closer to him. I would love to see videos of him talking about things he did in his life.

I wonder if your view on this depends on how close you were to a relative before they died. Those who were close don't want to be reminded of what is missing?

Comment Re:Don't ask for advice online. (Score 1) 698

Eeep, I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but marrying younger makes you far more likely to get divorced and end up in the "reject bin" you speak of. http://www.thecanadianencyclop... Much better advice (statistically), would be to suggest living with someone for several years BEFORE getting married.

Comment Re:Slashdot's parochial worldview (Score 1) 134

Yup. In 2009 the country's average was 7 incidents per day. List of terrorist incidents in Pakistan since 2001

Now of course, X years from now when everything has stabilized, will their government repeal these rules and delete the database? It's not really relevant since most likely they will have been overthrown by the insurgents or the US again.

Comment Re:Why hasn't it happened already? (Score 1) 241

see Islam for what it is

It's the same thing every other religion is. A bunch of stories and directives designed to provide justification for a particular way of life. ISIS is a just product of the environment it was cultivated in. I wonder what would happen in the US if a foreign country came in and destroyed the government every decade or so for the sake of corporate interests.

Comment Re:The US gets back what it seeded (Score 1) 241

I might be missing your point, but many countries, including America, had their own slaves back then too. Is enslaving "because you're not Muslim" a worse excuse than "because you're not white"? People enslaved others for personal gain, and religion/race was just the bullshit justification so they didn't have to feel bad about it.

Comment Re:This whole thing is a disaster waiting to happe (Score 1) 233

It's all just a show, put on for entertainment value of the masses. There will be no real launch mission because there is too much liability. They will take it as far as they can and as long as they can if it keeps bringing them money. But they will always stop short of legal liability. They will put some money forward for appearances, such as paying actual space engineers and scientists for "advice" but mostly just to be able to put those names on their public list of contacts. The chosen finalists will be people who were on the company payroll from the start and planted in the initial volunteer list. They would have to be, because anyone else would actually have to quit their job and change locations to start training for the actual mission. When it is finally revealed that it's all just a show, if they had real volunteers they would probably sue the company for wasting years of their life.

The saddest thing is that some people I work with (most with university degrees) are actually buying into the story.

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