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Comment It isn't about who he or was, but about us. (Score 1) 1038

Are we enraged killers? Do we think killing someone repairs something else?

If we kill out out anger or if we kill according to the irrational calculus that one death offsets another, then we share a common indulgence or a common delusion with angry and vengeful murderers.

The death penalty is nothing more than a political appeasement and an opportunistic exercise of our worst impulses.

Ah, but does killing a murderer prevent future deaths? Is the death penalty just a prophylactic extermination, a cost-effective way to save lives? If so, let's put it somewhere on that list of cost-effective ways to save lives by killing a few people -- the one that starts with Attorneys for Tobacco Companies.

Comment Same trauma, more drama (Score 4, Interesting) 278

This is the crowd I grew up with, so I may be the unkowning carrier of disinformation, but here is my read:

All drove very fast. They did get ticketed frequently stateside, but the personnel office had resources. Justifications were welded onto all damage.

A small number drove mad fast because they couldn't pull out of some high-danger mentality even after the helicopter lift. They flouted the law like city kids who are "in the system", since they felt doomed anyway. You can see that kind of driving around the exits for military bases, where soldiers drive ninety to work because that is their permanent risk profile.

But most were just trying to feel the thrill, to act like the real thing. They had race-car training and cop evasion training and could surprize you when they decided to treat some ordinary sight as a threat. But they suffered that ordinary human pathetic weakness for emergency powers and a starring role.

Of course, the British are pioneering. Wait for the feedback effect, when someone challenges the phony backstory for a traffic death, and a file is opened on this new strain of domestic saboteur.

Comment Re:Sirens? (Score 1) 278

Britain has significantly fewer fatalities per billion miles driven than Germany. This may partly result from the difficulty of finding a lane fast enough to kill. There was a point when New Jersey had the highest automobile insurance rates in the United States and the fewest deaths per billion car-miles, because everyone was stuck in bumper-car traffic.

Comment Re:Um.... (Score 1) 562

It is not reasonable to ask you to suspend the epithets and other personal criticisms, because your observations appear to be truthful, you warning well-meant, and your anger righteous.

Still, please do hold back, because your state of anger and contempt puts you in a fighting stance, and it makes calming your reaction seem more urgent than monitoring the police.

Your frustration is not the problem here. It isn't even one of the effects of the problem. It is the effect of others' not seeing or not wanting to see the problem.

There used to be a category of personalities known as "anti-social". They were criminals, even though the cops had nothing on them. It turned out that a lot of them were just very loud early-warning sentries who saw injustice where most other people saw happiness and order.

You hold a well-polished mirror to the police. Keep the attention there.

Comment The force is not with you. (Score 1) 562

Police forces are not baskets of individuals. They are organizations, and those organizations train and direct their personnel. Humans generally adapt to the culture of the organizations where they are attached.

You let the culprit escape if you debate whether all, most, or only some cops are bad.

Fixing the missions and organizational designs of police forces is within our political power.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 366

L. Frank Baum published a series of (mediocre, weird) children's books, from around 1900-1910, all with OZ in the title.

The term Oz was derived from his filing system. He had two or three filing cabinets, the last one labeled O-Z.

The claims to trademark by movie companies are entirely court-muscled by the despicable showboats who call themselves "entertainment lawyers."

Comment But would you inquire (Score 1) 562

just what DNA discloses about the current metabolytes in one's system?

I'm pretty sure your DNA does not change when you have a beer, and I'm pretty sure there are no DNA mutations that uniquely and reliably signal the ingestion of any psychoactive substance.

Now, maybe other tests are done as well, and the DNA is used just as a label for your file, instead of "sample subject #012345".

Comment Re:Why not batteries (Score 1) 296

Because the cars are already there and fully expensed for personal transportation. This is not about optimal investment. It's about making use of pre-existing noggins.

While we're at it, why do I have to run a compressor for the refrigerator in my kitchen when it is exactly thirty degrees Fahrenheit outside, only six feet away, where another giant compressor creates heat for the interior of the house, and incidentally heats the interior of the refigerator?

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