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Comment "Lenovo Allegedly Installing "Superfish" Proxy..." (Score 1) 248

Well, it just so happens that when you install a nice, secure OS instead of the spyware that comes with your Lenovo product, you do not have to worry about this issue. It will not inject nasty stuff. Isn't that nice? Try a nice GNU/Linux OS or one of the BSD's. Also, who uses google these days anyway? So much nasty tracking going on! Also, if you insist on using Firefox, distro's iike Trisquel repackage it as "abrowser" and make it run more securely. Turn that frown upside down!

Comment Re:Nonsense. (Score 1) 248

We're talking about Lenovo installing some malware crap on the Windows OS when you get your machine out of the box. I'm talking about wiping the OS or plucking in another fresh drive and installing a fresh, secure OS. Once you surf on the interwebs, you take your chances and use your precautions like anyone else. My point was that though some complain of Lenovo's practise of third party software crap, keep in mind that the Windows OS is not much better.

Comment Nonsense. (Score 1) 248

Really guys? This is on the Windows side. The Windows OS is one massive piece of malware. It is like you are crying over a cut when there is a massive gaping shotgun blast through the chest. Once you agree to the Windows terms of service, you are already compromised. They now have you signing in with your microsoft ID account that tracks you anyway. However, once you install GNU/Linux or Open BSD or any freedom respecting software like Trisquel or FreeSlack or Dragora, they cannot do anything to you. Lenovo makes nice laptops.

Comment Decentralize! (Score 2) 239

The USA was the pinacle for all e-business, from e-mail to hosting to operating systems. With the snowden revelations and Wikileaks, people are now wising up to the inherent issues of digital hegemony. Now other countries host their own e-mails and websites, new methods of payment are cultivated (like Bitcoin), and non-US variants of operating systems are also getting developed. Once the US is no longer the only game in town and people have other options, then it will no longer matter how draconian the US wants to get. Sure, the US is powerful, but I see other places getting savvy about tech so that en masse, or as a collective, they can slow down the imperial hegemony and her 'five eyes'. I used to do all my e-business with the US, as they were the only game in town. Now, I can (and do) go elsewhere! So if America continues to behave this way, people will simply look for or create alternatives. The schoolyard bully can only dominate for so long. The age of empire is over.

Comment You have a choice. (Score 1) 551

I am surprised by the ilk who claim GNU/Libre centric projects like Trisquel, FreeSlack, Ututo, Dragora, Parabola, Blag (please restart that cool distro) et al and attendant free software like Emacs does not respect their freedom to deploy proprietary software when they wish. Free software projects are the minority, non-free is the majority. For some of us, free software is important and we choose to pursue this. Those who choose otherwise, you have Windows, Apple, and so on. You don't have to use Libre software. Don't like Emacs? Want a proprietary version of Emacs? Go make it the proprietary dream text editor you want it to be. Decades ago Stallman had a dream of a free operating system and now I benefit from it. Stallman is not getting a massive paycheck for free software, unlike the proprietary counterparts. Stallman was clever enough to draw up the documentation and frame work for how free software can function--not for his benefit, but for all. He fights, not for himself, but the User. I understand there are people who disagree with his ideas, to you I say, 'kindly move along, there is nothing to see here.' For a while, free software is more convenient in some respects than non-free. However, non-free software proponents have deep pockets and are coming up with ways to make their work more convenient than free (at the moment). Stallman says between convenience and freedom, he picks the latter. So please, if proprietary floats your boat, knock yourself out. In schools, workplaces, and other environs, non-free operating systems and programs are the default so I already have more than enough proprietary software in my dietary intake. It is only now that free/Libre software is really a viable option. I am happy to first see, then use Free/Libre software that actually works, and now computers (and phones!) built around the idea of free hardware and software. I want this, but my choices are limited. If proprietary, dude, the choices never stop. So what's the freak out? Why do you deny a varied ecosystem of choice? What's it to you if some of us prefer freedom?

Comment Show all terrorists (Score 1) 645

Sure, show the wanton destruction of ISIS, as well as Syria, Egypt, Israel, USA, UK, France--it is one thing to show the barbarity of the Middle Easterners, but also show our barbarity too. Only difference is we draw a bigger body count by far. It is one thing to read about our drones and bombers killing people, but it is another thing to show. If our society could see what we were doing on our foreign ventures, maybe we might start questioning the validity.

Comment rival IBM? (Score 1) 331

Is it perhaps a little too optimistic to suggest that dismissed employees found a competing company to rival their former employer? If all these layoff are just to appease shareholders, that means IBM is not doing their job. They are now in the finance game, not the science game. We already have finance companies and they contribute very little to the economy. Perhaps IBM needs to get back to what they were put there in the first place. If not, then it is time to found a company that does.

Comment Re: What did you expect? (Score 1) 197

Part A, so basically what you are saying is that you are not for democracy, but all for corporatocracy. Part B, Read this book: Google knows full well that their systems are being used to kill off men, women, and children without due process. I will not support a company that knowingly assists crimes against humanity.

Comment Re: What did you expect? (Score 1) 197

1) Campaign financing reform. There MUST be a campaign contribution limit. The current system stymies democracy. A corporation should not have more power than a citizen. Once you have (reasonable--the kind an average person can afford) caps, things will start getting fair. 2) Drones. Sure, if your family is targetted (and some killed) by these very drones and you STILL hold that position, then I will side with you.

Comment Re: What did you expect? (Score 1) 197

In the US of A, it is 'pay to play' in government matters. Google out donated the military-industrialites for campaign financing. Google also provides computer infrastructure to the US military. Just because Microsoft plays too, does not make Google less culpable. The two sides (Google and Gov't) are in deep, 'synchronicity'.Just like the Bush, Cheney, Rice oil exec junta--Google is moving in as being part of that dark influence. Just like Microsoft, Google helps drones kill. Google may do some good things, but the bad cannot be ignored. We need not support Google, rather let us look to alternatives. I am not against government, but their policies need a deep re-examination and the people need to hold them accountable for their actions.

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