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Comment Re:This does not mean advancements in AI (Score 2) 141

Just because something is not a sentient general intelligence or something related to higher thinking, doesn't mean it's not AI. This algorithm works much of the same way we do when trying to identify visual patterns. It uses much more finesse and way less computing power than some of the previous attempts to do the same thing. To say that this is not an advancement in AI is wrong. This whole assumption that the same modules responsible for the higher level thinking needs to responsible for all the other aspects related to vision and other sensory inputs makes no sense. The same way our brain has the somatosensory cortex doing most of the input processing for us, future AI's will have auxiliary systems providing their visual, auditory and haptic processing for them. This is a technology that can and probably will be applied to robots and other autonomous systems in the near future.

Comment Re:Not this shit again (Score 1) 754

The industrial revolution happened when men overcame the power of their muscles. We still had our brains going for us. Now with AI and automation, we are gradually overcoming the power of our brains. Soon (in a few decades), there will be very few things a human will be better at then an AI. What jobs do you imagine being created, when you can just put a cheap automation to do the job for you?

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