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Comment Re:99% (Score 1) 172

Yup. We bought the last 6 copies we could, from our distro I can't see an alternative .

Being reliant on internet comms is still a pipe dream. Even for companies that would adopt the cloud (non of our clients who are all finance and similar)

I honestly don't know where to go in a post MS in house SBS world. It was a very good product for over a decade. It broke a little bit when outlook licences were not included in 2003. But Outlook & Exchange is what it's all about. I have found no alternative.

but we will.

Comment Reading the report (Score 1) 326

It's just like one of those meme fads going round where they ask (perhaps gullible) people about non existent super bowl plays & players.

Or like the classic Dihydrogen Monoxide 'prank'

Ignorance and intelligence is not linear. It is not worthwhile or fair to measure either outside of a properly executed experiment.

A member from an Amazonian Tribe may well find life in NYC a little daunting, perhaps as daunting as you would find life naked in the middle of South America.

People trying to fit in, especially young people trying to fit in WILL answer a question for fear of ridicule if they do not full understand the question. And people do tend to TRY TO FIT IN.

If a word they have never heard of sounds scientific they WILL treat it as such. and trust it for the word.

The US and the UK are rife with people screwing with words to take advantage of people.

We have protected titles, for example. Anybody can call themselves a Nutritionist. But you need to be licensed to call yourself a Dietitian

A Chiropractor fucked my back because I thought he was a type of Physiotherapist. He had xRay machines and everything. But not a licenced or recognised medical practitioner.

Somebody asks you if Astro this or astro that is important - if they don't KNOW the word, they will make a MEAN guess.

Comment Re:It might be an unpopular opinion... (Score 1) 822

I partially agree with you, but for I am unsure if a ne'er-do-well would risk kill somebody in the hope that information that person possessed would then become public. It may help prevent torture, but surely only a fool would believe that he hasn't got access to all the information he stole.

This discussion, for some reason remind me of the Princess Bride:

You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"!

Comment Re:"WordPerfect Now Easy to Learn" (Score 2) 154

Wordperfect! (OT trivia ahead!)

I recall a documentary about technology on BBC in the 80's (when the BBC cared about technology) - Wordperfect were touting the fact that they were the first corporation in the world to have a full time call-queue DJ ! The spin they put on it was amazing and all the people interviewed said calling their support was great.

Like MS Office of the now, Wordperfect of the then, had weird odd version numbers for Macs.

Wordstar was thankfully the closest DOS came to Vi ;)

Comment Re:2014 (Score 2) 109

I asked a forum dev-mod if he could add an option on a new forum (Oculus Rift) a while back if we could at least have an option to open external links (outside of the current forum) in new tabs with a left click. The majority of the research and tech forums (especially) I frequent have this as an option - it just make sense, somebody posts a reference link and you want to look at it without losing your place in the current thread, indeed if it's a picture or diagram having it load up whilst you continue reading is a bonus. I was shot down - apparently I am lazy for not middle clicking or right clicking on such links, citing that such programming practice is deemed unacceptable behavior as people don't like new tabs or windows. Which struck me as strange.

Middle or right clicking on a tablet is a PITA. Especially if a post or thread contains mostly links to external reference content.

Perhaps the pop and popunder is more a human decision than a logical one, and therefore a target for nefarious manipulation. So the extreme unwanted popunder must exist purely for nefarious purposes, shirly ?

Comment Re:surprise! (Score 1) 109

OK pal I'll bite. The story is about Chrome being ALWAYS ON and remembering previous HTTPS websites as trusted and not re-prompting for rights to access devices.

The post I replied to was a semi-sarcastic question about what could go wrong.

My reply was an (imho) funny example of what can go wrong when a system is always listening, unintentionally or otherwise ( a little bit similar to the title, and the post, wouldn't you agree?). And the example of was a damnsight less serious or scary than the possibilities.

So, I'll ask you again - "What does YOUR POST have to do with this story ?"

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