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Comment Re:All I'll say... (Score 1) 224

the fact that you try to shield pedos is disgusting. these people cannot be rehabilitated and every parent should know where pedos live around them. Actually US already provides this info with handy maps. Once I had a really creepy neighbor move in and I looked him up there but did not find anything to my surprise.

What makes pedos different from murderers and thieves and guys who beat up their wifes? They have been punished and then get on with their life. Chasing them for the rest of their life does not make them behave any better.

May I remind you that most child abuse happens by non-creepy looking uncles, teachers, pastors, babysitters, etc. They are around you, always. And what will you do if you know where they live? Go to their house with torches? Keep your kids inside forever? You have to learn to deal with it. Teach your children not to go with strange men. And talk to your children so you know something is going on in case a non-stranger is doing things they are not supposed to.

Comment Re:The Roman Empire? (Score 1) 348

I guess you are an American citizen. I'm not, so according to you/your laws the NSA can do what they want to me. I'm not happy with and I thank Snowden for revealing the USA treats everyone who is not American as a terrorist.

BTW: I'm not a terrorist, so STOP FUCKING EAVESDROPPING ON ME. Thanks.

Comment Can't wait... (Score 4, Insightful) 174

... to buy a light bulb, come home and read the small text on the box that says: "works with Apple devices only".

We *must* use open standards here and not let Google, Apple or whoever infiltrate our houses any further. But looking at how easily folks sell their soul to Apple or Google (Android), I'm not holding my breath. Next time you buy a house, you'll have to decide Apple, Google or Microsoft...

Comment Re:About time! (Score 1) 306

It kills the internet as it once was and how it was intended, i.e. every host can directly contact any other host (only limited by firewalls when necessary). The fact that most people noways just just, and that was about it, is sad. That is not internet, that is google-net and facebook-net.

Comment Re:Now is the time to create IPv5 (Score 1) 306

Not sure whether this is a serious response or whether it's meant to be funny.

Finally we're ready to deploy IPv6 and you propose to invent a new protocol? I'm sure we can roll this IPv4 and IPv6-incompatible protocol in 10 years from now.

So what are those problems that we don't have anymore? And what are exactly those problems that IPv6 creates?

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
