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Comment Re:Seems to be OK all around then (Score 1) 616

Your saying that some vaccines might kill? Maybe if someone is allergic to them. But these diseases ACTUALLY kill babies and old. These shots are proven to be completely harmless and have no long term effect whatsoever. I bet these are the same people who think cell phone towers cause cancer, which also had to have a federal law made stating no one can refuse to have a cell phone tower installed near them because they believe it harms health. Have you ever heard a single actual doctor of medicine, not a corny herb doctor, say these could be harmful? Sometimes laws are required to protect people from their own stupidity, in fact i'd say most laws are for this purpose.

Comment The locked door scenario (Score 1) 230

You suspect that a bank leaves the door to their building containing their customers money unlocked. Do you a) check to see if the door is open b) tell the bank it might be unlocked c) call the police? All of the above a) because the door doesn't say keep out anywhere b) because your money is in there c) because the banks negligence can and will cost you your money.

Comment Does it even work for Google? (Score 1) 120

Google does this to the worst extent. Even if i didn't search for a website, it still some how knows exactly what websites I've been visiting. Every time I buy something online, I start getting advertisements for that exact product, from the company I just bought it from, across Google search pages and on Googles ads on other webpages. How they think this "targeted advertising works" is beyond me. First of all, if I know I like something already I don't need an advertisement. Second of all, I just bought stuff from that site, you don't need to tell me to go back there if I liked it. Thirdly, the only good thing about ads is showing you something you haven't seen before, not telling me what I've already tried. Fourth, stop watching me bro.

Comment Re:Mod parent up (Score 1) 206

It's nonsense that a millimeter anywhere on the controller will make a difference, it's just a small measurement that they used to give the illusion of precision. Unlike a T-shirt this is a one size fits all solution that is not flexible whatsoever. We're talking hard plastic. Comfort is important but when is the last time you pleased anyone with a non-adjustable one size fits all item that is used by both adults and children. It's ridiculous to assume their shape is the best, then again to assume you can manufacturer a millimeter precision that is "best on average."

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