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Comment Re:To their defense (Score 1) 314

nowadays I only use my debitcard and have nearly never cash on me, the card is not free and costs about 35$ a year

I would not mind a cash-free economy as there are free services here that you can transfer money to people just based on their mobile phone number

thou I see that the most poor would suffer the most and not the criminals that can trade in different ways, the beggers/homeless that does not have bank accounts and the street artitsts, I dont mind thoose and it would be a shame that they would have it harder

Comment Re:If this works, then Microsoft is doomed. (Score 1, Troll) 101

I can see this is a console-peasant, let me handle this one

you see that unlike you that whom I assume is a console-peasant we the PC MASTER RACE does not want to use more equipment than our glorious PC, the point of the PC is to have all in the same place and dont bother with things like a tv or something else that is not a PC.
Now comes the mobile phone, as people tend to upload pictures of their glorious bodies or bother us with things like kik or sms we now have to have one hand on the mouse and the other on the phone, meaning we will now be fully occupied with our hands.
A keyboard and mouse configuration helps us watch pictures of kittens and write comments about how other people are wrong and between the writing we can pick cheetos up from our bellybutton-bowl but now to hold a phone in the hand that does the cheetos picking, and that is just not right.

And for your second question, simply to run apps.

Comment neat (Score 1) 101

I have been running andy-android-emulator just so I can have clients like instagram in my desktop instead of having to pull up my phone, if they make this stable enough then one can skip the emulator altogether. I can see the drawback for devs as people will expect the apps to function as good with keyboard and mouse in the future and will have to redo their apps/add that functionality.

Comment Re:No surprise, but a bad idea (Score 5, Informative) 97

"The project is not intended to produce mushrooms targeted for human consumption, since the main objective is to get rid of diapers to avoid damaging the environment more," Valdemar Espinosa added. "However, the mushrooms could be used as food supplement for cattle, the gel can be used to increase moisture retention in some crops and the plastic can be sent to recycling."

Comment what is computer science nowadays? (Score 1) 329

I bet back in the days computer science was more of an high engineering education than it is now
that before computer science was for people to be researches in other fields and use computer as a help tool, where now you dont need to go computer science as you can take single courses of math lab or other appropriate language for that field
now computer science is more to learn to program and as now playing games on pc, xbox etc has been a more a normal thing for girls to do than before, the upswing for women in TODAYS computer science will be when the ones born around 2000 will start studying in colleges/universitys

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