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Comment Re:Until (Score -1) 194

whats the big whoop? i got a pack of them for like $5. the protector itself is scratched up a bit from being in the pocket with my keys. one could argue that the gorilla glass wouldn't get scratched up like this, but whatever... at any time i can switch out my screen protector no problem. also, doesn't affect usage at all, you wouldn't notice.

Comment Re:1 2 3 4 I declare flame war (Score -1) 976

yup, it sounds to me like trayvon was acting in self defense by "standing your ground" against a threatening person who was stalking and confronting him. probably with weapon drawn. we'll never know the trooth, because the victim is dead and can't testify in his own murder. the only person who knows what happens in those final moments is the murderor. we do know that police told him to stay in his car and he decided to confront trayvon instead. this action lead to the death of a kid carrying skittles. open/shut.

Comment Re:But... (Score -1) 155

All those errors in chapter one! Me thinks no thanx. Those sort of errors confound me the most, because I try to reconcile what I'm reading iwth my own understanding of the language, and I get a "does not compute" and smoke comes out my ears.

Comment Re:what a tool (Score -1) 447

god, I can't stand it when words come out of your mouth. i'm glad you have a new man crush - is he single? speaking of snowden, he's a total joke. just some kid running scared to anybody that will pretend to shelter him. china? NK? russia? doesn't matter, because this whole thing was about personal attention from square one, not about human rights. ideally wherever he goes he'll still have internet access so he can do all sorts of skype interviews and tweet a bunch. "they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR INTERWEBZ!!!"

Comment Re: Cue anti-union rage (Score 0) 467

I remember during the last BART contract negotiations, workers were passing out flyers to riders. one of the flyers said "shouldn't bart workers have the right to own a home in the bay area?" fuck that shit. do you think I can afford a home in the bay area? I'm an engineer, and I make things for a living. I don't have a union that can hold a city hostage until I get my way and secure my right for $million home ownership.
,br>also, what a sight this is, jcr and noh8rz agree.

Comment Re:Cue anti-union rage (Score -1) 467

no, the right to demand $$$ and 30 hour weeks and piles of benefits for pushing buttons and driving a bus, when all the workers ON the bus are just trying go get to work so they can do real jobs. then you throw a fit like a baby to get even more benefits. Honestly, bus drivers get 4+ weeks of "sick pay" each year.

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