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Comment Re:By your logic the Nazis were pro Communist (Score 0) 305

You are aware, I trust, that you are describing a very small group of men that made up some of the Nazi leadership. The overwhelming majority of Nazis were Catholics and Lutherans.

And *you* are aware, I trust, that churches throughout Germany had many of their priests/pastors/clergy killed and replaced by Party-approved men

Many? Bullshit. Most of them supported the party from day one. Digging up a handful of counter examples doesn't disprove that.

Not to mention that the parties that helped Hitler to power had deep links to the Christian churches of Germany.

Comment Re:Apple should have done this all along (Score 1) 134

If it wants to convince artists that they will gain by signing on to Apple Music, the company with the largest cash reserve in the world could easily demonstrate this by paying the subscription royalty rate for trial period music.

So paying them more than the rest of the streaming industry wasn't enough already ...

Comment Re: Saudi Arab and the link to Islamic Terrorism (Score 1) 100

The schools taught them that? I suppose a school that teaches chemistry may teach that but I know of no Catholic school that taught kids to be bombers or suicide bombers. I am not a Catholic (or Christian) or the likes but I would prefer honesty in debates. If you have a citation, anything close will do, then that would be interesting.

But a Madrassa teaches how to build bombs. Yeah, right. If you have any actual proof but something from Faux News, bring it on.

Comment Re:that's funny... (Score 1) 368

>She is a pop-country singer that comes up on a regular basis with catchy tunes with clean lyrics

Max Martin wrote most of 1989. He is a 43-year old Swede. The music today is all manufactured and tuned, like a McDonald's hamburger for your ears.

Martin has written many albums for pop singers, and is responsible for a good many of the songs you might think that others wrote.

What's your point? That music was better back when everything was written by Irving Berlin instead of one Swede?

Comment Re: that's funny... (Score 1) 368

This situation is not quite the same, because the Apple site is streaming, not downloading, its content. Users can't just grab all the music they can during the trial period and then keep it.

I don't stream or download music, but a search for "record streaming audio" brings up a lot of results. I'd be surprised if at least a few of them didn't work.

In which case the artists loses royalties for one play of their song getting recorded, not for dozens or more they claim. Maybe they should really worry about all the money they already lost to that instead?

Comment Re: that's funny... (Score 1) 368

Strangely consumers haven't been trained yet to make their purchases at the same rate forever after an album is launched. Ie, an album released during the three months is taking a larger hit than yoko ono is.

So you are assuming that they will only have one popular song in their entire career, right?

That is just coming out on June 30th, too.

Comment Re: Saudi Arab and the link to Islamic Terrorism (Score 1) 100

Have Catholic schools started training suicide bombers?

Nope, just IRA bombers. Now whether that's smarts or cowardice that's kept them from killing themselves (apart from those that did it accidently), it doesn't make them morally superior.

Nor for that matter the bible thumping protestant KKK killers and abortion clinic bombers.

Comment Re:Wiki-Enquirer? (Score 1) 100

How is this at all what Wikileaks is supposed to be for? At this point it seems more like crass voyeurism than any type of serious attempt to shine a light on corporate misconduct. Sure, Apple asking Sony for 4k content is interesting from a business perspective, but wrong-doing that needed to be exposed it is not.

Exactly - when did Wikileaks jump the shark?

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