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Comment Re:Dumb (Score 0) 358

You are aware that that standard has been dead for over a year now, for none of the companies wanted to continue being forced to use standard micro-USB, because it simply doesn't provide enough power for charging a modern phone, let alone tablets or even notebooks?

Comment Re:Why? (Score 0) 465

Apple is right, your mother gave you the iPad, not the data on it.

The data does not belong to Apple.

The iPad does not belong to Apple.

Apple should have no skin in this game, they don't own any part of it.

Well, Apple has the part where they suck when the security they implemented works and has no backdoors.

Comment Re:Innovation? (Score 1) 264

Nope, the early MP3 players were custom software utilities.

I'm pretty sure we're talking about hardware MP3 players here, not custom software utilities.

You obviously epically FAILED to read the rest of his post.

Oh, and now you think I'm stalking you because I answer to many stupid posts, and hit you twice? That's because you ARE A FUCKING MORON. Expect to get more replies, because you are obviously not able to not show your stupidity all the time.

Don't flatter yourself by thinking I'm stalking - that just proves how much of an utter moron you are.

Comment Re:Is anyone actually stuck on Snow Leopard? (Score 1) 241

Actually, that wasn't a rhetorical question. I actually meant "How am I able to know this? How am I, as a customer, able to learn which unresolved security vulnerabilities exist for my product/device/software?"

Easy: you read Slashdot. You watch CNN. Every fucking time some malware for an Apple OS comes out, it's all over the fucking internet. And if there were actually an unpatched vulnerability in an old OS of Apple, the fucking people who constantly claim there are would finally bring it up as an example

That's how fucking easy that is.

Comment Re:The court is right (Score 1) 427

IOW either there is no free speech in the USA or there is free speech in Germany or you are a hypocrite.

Germany has its own words it doesn't allow over LICENSED spectrum, where those who wish to broadcast have VOLUNTARILY agreed to certain terms in order to gain the GOVERNMENT-GRANTED MONOPOLY for that spectrum.

Ohh? Name them, or shut the fuck up.

Comment Re:welcome to the big time (Score 3, Insightful) 193

If you rebuilt a compromised host due to somebody leveraging a bug in sendmail, then the admin is/was a moron. Processes should not be run with root privileges, and any public-facing system should be configured in such a way as to limit the damage that can be caused by compromised service accounts. See: PEBKAC; ID10T error.

Yeah, good thing there aren't any privilege escalation bugs in the Linux kernel. Ever.

Comment Re:AHAHAHAHAH (Score 1) 231

"Open Source Software is more secure because the code can be reviewed."

That's why this bug has existed since 2005. gg, guys. Thumbs up.

What do you mean? The many eyes found said bug that is why we are reading about it if thay had not it would still be sitting there undiscovered.

Unless of course it wasn't undiscovered, but actually used. Or even deliberately planted by the NSA.

Comment Re:First (Score 2) 231

First, and yet another OSS-releated security risk :(

At least they are rare enough that it is news worthy. As compared to Windows where new exploits hardly ever get any attention because they are so frilling common as to be passé.

Well, Slashdot seems to report on every vulnerability popping up on my Apple watchlist (often more than once), but not on all popping up on the RedHat watchlist. Draw your own conclusions from what you just said.

Forgot to mention: Apple's TSL-bug was also open source.

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