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Comment Honesty (Score 1) 412

Very good. Get your prize, speak your mind.

It is isn't hatred of woman (misogyny) to hold that woman are different in important respects and are sometimes suited for different roles as general rule. Maybe that view is sexist (never heard the word defined, honestly) but then reality is sexist and we a need a another word to describe unjust unequal treatment on the basis of gender.

And even if you are of the 'gender is a social construct or personal preference point of view, though to be fair I've never met anyone who thought former, you'd still need a different word to describe unjust unequal treatment on the basis of gender from the very view that the genders are different in important respects and are sometimes suited for different roles as a general, if you wish to differentiate between wrong doing and thought crime.

Comment Re:rather expected (Score 1) 284

Fuck you. I am not of that kind but know enough of them to deny any logical right to assert on the basis of your black soul, that they are as they are if only they could be. No doubt there exists in set of radical christian some member who would kill if they could get away with but that is true of almost any set of people and if that's all you meant then your comment is irrelevant to this thread. What you meant is that the radical christians are the same murderous demons as are the radical muslims but lack for opportunity. Fuck you.

Comment Re:Bad call. (Score 1) 599

I hear you. A society not heavily based on the family unit is dysfunctional to my understanding and observation, and I may well be overlooking my own advantages. Still though, at base, I do not believe that it is any sort of difficult thing, this relating to the the opposite gender thing of which you speak -- you just find the one with whom you build your family and get to know each other. The others you treat professionally, without reference to their sexuality.

I respect but cannot speak to your personal experience, not because I don't believe that a valid means of securing knowledge about the world, for indeed, I hold it to the basic, but because I simply don't know enough about the experience and the context to make any sort of judgement.

Thank you, though, for responding.

Comment Re:Bad call. (Score 1) 599

I come from a large culture where schools are separate. We do fine in the work world, we relate well to people and we marry as a norm and have many kids. I submit that adolescent mingling hurts male, female relations. Not only do the dynamics of a mixed work place radically differ from those of a mixed workplace, but to the extent that they converge, the workplace is dysfunctional. Hey she's hot, got a pick!

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