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Comment Re:Nice Try China! (Score 2) 282

I don't need advertisements. When I want something, I research it, then I buy it. When I want to know something, I google it. When I want to buy random stuff, I go to a bargain site where people can humanely tell me what I should buy. If advertisers were responsible and didn't try to scheme for my attention, I might give it to them. I don't find it helpful if I go to work, look something up and them come home and find a recommendation for the same product. But for some reason, somebody somewhere thinks that it helps their pocket book, so I block them.

Comment Case for nuclear (Score 1) 255

You can make nuclear safe, but it depends on your tolerance level. I personally don't understand why their aren't places in the world that you can't put a plant, don't put them next to population centers, don't put them next to high risk areas. Fukushima and Chernobyl are the outliers on the graph, they both had bad conditions that led to their demise. Plus, all of the plants that have failed were gen 1 plants, there are designs now that shut down by physical design. It is possible to build a safe nuclear plant, 99% or more of them have run just fine, every day and provide a good base power to supply our needs. A big problem in our society is we want to have our cake and eat it too. We want cheap power, but somehow we have convinced ourselves that we can turn the lights on, but shouldn't have to deal with the consequences. You can't build wind, it kills the birds and it looks bad in a backyard. You definitely cannot build hydro, it is too damaging. You cant have coal, it makes the world too warm. And now you can't have nuclear, not anywhere, because of two accidents. (Thank goodness for natural gas and the timing of it). Someday, we will figure out how to develop a cheaper energy source (maybe fusion, maybe something else, but that day is not today, and we need something to tide us over until then)

Comment Engineering (Score 1) 133

The point is they have "engineered" a material to suppositively gives it better properties. This suggests that they are closer to solving the superconducting riddle, not that they have solved it. Maybe when they apply this method to other materials they can get better properties. This doesn't say anything for manufacturability either, but if they do find a material that works at room temperature, somebody will figure out a way to manufacture it.

Comment Active Defense System (Score 2) 250

Why can't you build a system to monitor and defend against attacks? Once a virus gains control of your system it is quite easy to find and remove based on file signatures (time installed,ect). If you know what you have and something changes you should be able to identify it. It would be easy to identify attacks on a network when things go outside the norm. "Well, lets see somebody opened up a bunch of ports and is transferring files to some random IP in X country that isn't on my list of recently accessed http sites, I think I'll shut those down. Oh, a user is downloading 20% more classified files than normal users, maybe we should pay him a visit and shut down his access until we figure out what is going on. Implementing such a system would be difficult, but patterns should be statistical and you should be able to see most of what goes on. Yes people could slip through the cracks, but if you develop a good model, you should be able to spot the differences between malicious and normal behavior.

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