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Comment Would this apply to Paid peering? (Score 1) 706

Would this apply to Paid peering agreements? Or Just settlement free connections?

What is the "core" of the internet (as he described)?

Not that I'm against the idea, but I want to know what exactly it means? It seems incredibly hard to find specific definitions of how and where rules would be applied.

Comment Re:Compared to Facebook (Score 1) 99

Very true, but consider the sources and what is generating it.

Facebook is a large percentage of the Internet.

Cern is ONE project (with multiple experiments).

Also, this data has to be ARCHIVED and ACCESSIBLE for all time so that scientists can go back and compare/research past experiments.

Although I'm sure facebook is archiving a large portion of data, I doubt they archive ALL of it for all time.

Comment NSF Abstract (provides a little more info) (Score 1) 45

"Many of the ideas that drive modern cloud computing, such as server virtualization, network slicing, and robust distributed storage, arose from the research community. But because today's clouds have particular, non-malleable implementations of these ideas "baked in," they are unsuitable as facilities in which to conduct research on future cloud architectures. This project creates CloudLab, a facility that will enable fundamental advances in cloud architecture. CloudLab will not be a cloud; CloudLab will be large-scale, distributed scientific infrastructure on top of which many different clouds can be built. It will support thousands of researchers and run hundreds of different, experimental clouds simultaneously. The Phase I CloudLab deployment will provide data centers at Clemson (with Dell equipment), Utah (HP), and Wisconsin (Cisco), with each industrial partner collaborating to explore next-generation ideas for cloud architectures

CloudLab will be a place where researchers can try out ideas using any cloud software stack they can imagine. It will accomplish this by running at a layer below cloud infrastructure: it will provide isolated, bare-metal access to a set of resources that researchers can use to bring up their own clouds. These clouds may run instances of today's popular stacks, modest modifications to them, or something entirely new. CloudLab will not be tied to any particular particular cloud stack, and will support experimentation on multiple in parallel.

The impact of cloud computing outside the field of computer science has been substantial: it has enabled a new generation of applications and services with direct impacts on society at large. CloudLab is positioned to have an immediate and substantial impact on the research community by providing access to the resources it needs to shape the future of clouds. Cloud architecture research, enabled by CloudLab, will empower a new generation of applications and services which will bring direct benefit to the public in areas of national priority such as medicine, smart grids, and natural disaster early warning and response."

Comment Great way to get Businesses & Gov to drop Fire (Score 3, Interesting) 117

Many government agencies and businesses have Firefox installed as a primary or as a secondary browser available for use (in addition to IE of course).

They also have policies against the use of proxies, p2p, etc.

If TOR is included within Firefox and they don't give administrators a way to keep people from using it on the job you can bet they will jettison Firefox as an option for their users.

Comment Philosophy of Science (Score 2) 795

It really irks me that we teach more about the objects of Scientific investigation in school (Biology, Physics, etc) then the actual philosophy of Science itself. Sure, there is usually about an hour in HS that covers basic Scientific approach but then it gets left by the wayside.

Schools should be spending more time discussing and learning the philosophy of Science itself.

Just my 2 cents.

Comment What exactly is YOUR definition of Net Neutrality? (Score 1) 531

Unfortunately you have to have an agreed upon definition of what net neutrality IS before you can have a reasonable discussion about what needs fixing. Unfortunately the issue has devolved into knee jerking reactions where each side's idea of what it means and when the government should or should not regulate mixed in with their own biases.

Take settlement free peering for example? When is it unfair when one side or the other has to accommodate a lopsided ratio of data transfer? When is it fair to say that that the disadvantaged peer should buy a dedicated line and move off of settlement free?

"I wantz my packets to go through no matter what"

does not address issues like above.

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