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Comment Re:amphetamine - no adverse side effects? (Score 1) 407


A. It's not methylated (as in methamphetamine), so the action is slower and more consistent.

B. At doses of 60mg/day and under, the risk of harmful side-effects is very, very low.

C. It's an incredibly effective treatment for a number of conditions, some of which cannot be treated via other means.

Comment Re:If we're all going to take Adderall... (Score 1) 407

What if you take it because it's a treatment for multiple conditions from which you suffer? Like ADD and hypersomnia?

If I don't take mine, I fall asleep at my desk. Employers hate that. I take it and I'm as awake and focused as "normal".

I'm torn about what it would mean for more people to be taking it. It could drive up my cost at the pharmacy, or it could lead to a surge in production that lowers my costs.

Comment Re:misdemeanor?? (Score 1) 271

According to some other commenter, the gyrocopter was 100lbs over the ultralight limit.

What I'm wondering now though is how much flexibility the FAA and courts have in charging/sentencing people with that registration offence. I'd hate to think people could be going to prison because they forgot to file some paperwork on time.

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