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Comment Re: Honest question. (Score 1) 479

Dude posted this Why not things like police, fire, teaching, military, garbage collection and so forth?

I recalled an interview that I saw over a decade ago that featured a one of those professions. I said feminist because that was how the person was identified by both the interviewers and herself.

I'm sorry if this somehow shits all over your Wheaties and ruined your day.

Comment Re: Honest question. (Score 1) 479

My anecdote directly related to people complaining about there not being enough female firefighters, which the parent asked about. This was also featured on 60 minutes or some other such news show, and I believe also featured a lawsuit that was filed to lower the "discriminatory" tests.

your anecdote came out of nowhere to feature a pervert friend of yours that writes bad erotic incest fiction. What's your point?

Comment Re:Honest question. (Score 5, Insightful) 479

I remember a feminist complaining that the strength test for the city's fire department was too much for women to handle. The strength test consisted of carrying a hose, chopping down doors, and other things that firemen have to do in their job. When asked what good a woman that could not do the job would be on the crew, she stated that they would just need to get machines to do the work instead so that women could join.

Comment Re:The Dangers of the World (Score 2) 784

While that is unfortunate, just because it happend to you, doesn't mean it's going to happen to everybody.

Anecdotal evidence is the same thing that anti vaxxers use to explain why vaccines are bad. Their kid got sick, so vaccines are bad for EVERY kid. That's not how it works.

While yes, there is a non zero chance that your kid could be kidnapped (whether they are alone or not, even if they are home), it is also entirely possible that a lion could escape from the local zoo and wind up in your living room. Do you have a rifle capable of taking down large game? Should I find you irresponsible if you do not?

Comment Wait, how is this possible? (Score 1) 105

Are they patenting a specific sensor apparatus here, or is it just raising your hand? I could understand if it's a specific type of sensor, but patenting something like raising your hand is ridiculous. Especially when we had non tactile motion controls on mainstream things like the PS2 as far back as 2003. If this is just a gesture, how in the hell does that warrant a patent?

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