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Comment Re:As if the boobs weren't enough (Score 1) 10

Nah, the Jebster is her choice. The Bushes and Clintons are very close, and ever since the rumored "McCain / Lieberman UNITY YOU GUYS" ticket rumors I think Hitlary wants to emulate that.

Can you imagine the scale of the fawning press coverage of Hitlary, an open lesbian, and Jeb Bush on the same ticket?

The media would slobber over that even more than the NY Times slobbered over Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin in the 1930's.

In other words, A LOT.
User Journal

Journal Journal: How Hillary will win in 2016 10

Step 1: She'll come out of the closet, admitting one of the worst kept secrets in history is true.
Step 2: The Media will fall all over themselves to say how COURAGEOUS! and HISTORIC!! this is.
Step 3: Paint anyone who opposed Frau Fuhrer as a homophobe. After all, you're a hater is you don't vote for the first lesbian President.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

Clintons had far more than 2 scandals. Look, I realize you were probably in diapers during the Clinton administration, so please google the following:
Vince Foster's death
Ron Brown's death
Rose Law Firm
The alleged rape of Juanita Brodderick
The Paula Jones Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
Bill Clinton lying under oath, aka PERJURY about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky
"It depends what your definition of the word 'is' is"
Missile strikes on an aspirin factory in the Sudan
Removing 'W' from White House keyboards
My God, people... the Clinton administration was the most corrupt in history, and we want to go BACK to that?

Comment Re:moof (Score 1) 9

Karl Marx viewed the Catholic Church as his biggest threat to subjugating the world to his version of "fairness". His acolytes are doing his bidding.

The attack on Christianity is no accident.

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