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Comment Re:My $0.02... (Score 1) 33

I have a Remington 870, pump action, shortest legal barrel. It holds 4 shells in the tube (really, if you're at home, and you need more than 4 shells -- you're fucked anyway. For me, at that point, my wife has grabbed the AR-15 as well...)

Here's how I have it loaded:

Hornady Zombie Max 00 Buckshot
Hornady Zombie Max 00 Buckshot
Hornady Zombie Max 00 Buckshot
Remington 1 oz Slug

Hopefully none of those shells get fired. The slug in particular is really bad news for an assailant -- 9.1 inch temporary cavity.
1 oz slug in action against ballistics gel Shot shells in ballistics gel

That second video is why I wouldn't trust birdshot to save my life. Look at the penetration difference -- even the mighty (for a handgun) .45 is no match for 00 Buckshot.

Second video recommends #4 shot actually, I might have to think about reloading my shotgun. I have a couple of boxes of magnum brass pellet #4 shot... maybe go #4, 00, 00, slug.

Comment Re:A pump action BB Gun (Score 1) 33

It's not going to make me cringe, because that's the same thought process that led to me getting a shotgun in the first place.

Like I said -- I've been told by a police officer that 95% of the time, the sound of a shotgun getting cocked is enough, that if someone is in your home, they'll run.

The other 5% of the time, you'll want the stopping power of the boomstick.

I, too, hope I never use any of my guns other than to shoot holes in paper (or fruit, or bottles, or tasty animals I intend to eat). While I have had to draw my handgun, the sight of it was enough to stop my assailant, and I did not have to point it at him nor did I have to pull the trigger.

Comment Re:A pump action BB Gun (Score 1) 33

Guns are not 100% effective; even if you regularly practice with your gun it can still jam or misfire.

The probability of a gun misfiring when well maintained and lubricated is very, very small. Occasionally, you'll get a dud round, but if you're buying quality, factory made ammo (Hornady, Federal, Remington, PMC, etc) the probability again is extremely low. Revolvers can misfire if it's a dud round, but revolvers can not jam. Double barreled shotguns can not jam. Pump action shotguns and Semi-Auto hand guns can jam (again, very, very, very rare if using quality ammo and the gun is clean, because if it's going to jam it'll jam after you've pulled the trigger and the next round gets caught...), but part of the practice is clearing jams quickly (hint: re-rack the slide -- hard, you won't break it. Beat it like it owes you money. The next round in the magazine will load.) You have to know your tool to use it effectively.

So what's quality ammo? Hornday, Remington, Federal, Winchester, PMC -- just stay away from the cheap, steel cased (always go for a brass casing) and in the case of a handgun, use a self defense round -- Hornady Critical Duty, Remington Golden Sabers, even Federal Hydra-shoks are an effective round. For self defense, I do not recommend full metal jacket round. FMJ's are for target practice and training at the range.

Comment Re:A pump action BB Gun (Score 1) 33

Either way I do see my height as being advantageous if I should need to attempt to defend myself or my family with a bat at home.

You are rolling the dice with your life unnecessarily with that plan. If an armed assailant breaks in, that bat -- even if it's a bad ass double walled DeMarini -- is no match for any kind of firearm, and you'd be taking the proverbial knife to a gunfight. You've got to watch out for yourself and your family.

Also, the latest trend in criminal activity is to bring a buddy or two -- I don't care how tall you are, even with a bat you're not going to be capable to defend yourself against two (or more) unarmed assailants, let alone armed ones.

For home defense, in my opinion the best defense is a pump-action shotgun -- specifically a 12 gauge. A 20 gauge may get the job done as well if you're worried about the recoil, but if you're holding it correctly the recoil should not bother you much. As an added benefit, the sound of that 12 gauge getting cocked may be enough to deter a criminal, but if it isn't, you're going to need the stopping power of a shotgun.

A 00 Buckshot shell has 8 pellets, and each pellet is roughly the size of a 9mm bullet. If you hit center mass, it'll be like the assailant taking 8 shots from a 9mm almost all at once (the pellets are loaded into the shell in 4 groups of 2, and exit the barrel thusly). Needless to say, it's devastating to a human body.

Take ownership of your own self-defense -- 911 doesn't respond fast enough.

Hopefully, you'll never need to use a gun to do more than put holes in paper (or water jugs, or watermelon, or even a tasty deer or warthog), but -- it will always be better to have a gun and never need it than need a gun once and not have it.

Unfortunately, I've been in a position where I needed my gun, and I thank God I didn't have to fire it, that the sight of it was enough to deter any future stupidity from the assailant.

If you want to talk self-defense any further, just ask. This is something I'm very passionate about and something I advocate every person do -- be prepared to defend themselves.

Comment Re:My $0.02... (Score 1) 33

The only person I've seen have trouble with a 12 gauge shotgun is a 110 pound woman not holding the weapon correctly, and sadly youtube has no shortage of women with poor posture firing a 12 gauge (probably with a magnum load) and dealing with the recoil.

I doubt you, as a man, would have any trouble with it. As for the .45 -- the recoil is not unmanageable in my conceal carry weapon, but might be a little much for someone inexperienced. My full sized Glock 21, on the other hand, my wife fires with no problem and no trouble with the recoil.

Comment Re:This might actually kill more than the bombs (Score 1) 868

And please tell us how you made that logical leap, calling me a racist for stating the objective truth that there is no such race as a "Palestinian", that they are Arabs. This is scientifically correct, so please tell me how I disparaged anyone on the basis of race.

* crickets *

Right. Just as I thought. Find a new crutch when you're losing an argument, asswipe.

Comment Re:This might actually kill more than the bombs (Score 1) 868

I'm saying your concern about collateral damage is honorable, but your blame for it is entirely misplaced.

Hamas fired the first shot, does not respect cease fire agreements, does not control it's people...

So... fuck them. I hope Israel rounds up every terrorist over there and executes them.

Peace will only come when one side is victorious. I pray that the victor is Israel.

Comment Re:Grab 'n dash (Score 1) 33

Exodus 22:2

“If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed.

You don't know why a person is in your house when they shouldn't be. You life is not worth risking to find out if it's a drug addict looking to swipe DVD's to pawn or the newest border jumping MS-13 member or terrorist there to cause you harm.

Don't risk it.

Maybe my perspective is different since I have a wife and kids, but if someone is in my house illegally, I can only assume that there is a grave threat against my family, and I will drop the bastard. Center mass.

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