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Comment This. (Score 2) 243

This is a pretty transparent proposal to immediately cap speeds, then approach platforms for extortion money based on user demand.

In short, it's exactly the same thing. The words have changed, but the idea about what to do with the cables is the same.

Comment Re:Hmmm .... (Score 1) 200

Orion is overengineered for ferrying stuff to LEO and back. Too much propulsion, too much life support, etc. Why would anyone pay the extra costs for the capsules and for the heavy launchers just to provision a LEO space station?

Most Apollo flights were to low earth orbit

Narrowly, IF you count the unpiloted test flights. Otherwise it's 6 LEO flights vs. 9 BEO flights, unless I'm missed some. And NASA used Apollo for LEO flights because the last Moon flights got canceled and they had to use up the stuff they had for something else (including the design and tooling, given that a new design would have been even more expensive).

Comment MDD - marketing driven development (Score 1) 1

What about MDD.

Marketing makes up shit that either is stupid or cannot be done, then says its easy, and because it promises it to future clients, then creates the framework for development features.

Problem is either these ideas or old or shit, or just cannot be done nicely without a well defined and tried and tested workflow.

Gradual evolution based development, like Firefox and Linux are the only ways to go. Know your features, code for them, then tell marketing to work of a working copy, not a pie in sky shit that makes presales look good.

Comment Re:Here's another one (Score 1) 117

Does our use of Hindu-Arabic numbers conversely make the Indians and Arabs superior to us?

I'm not sure it should - even if we're talking about the perception of superiority (given that this is all there is, no actual superiority making any sense in the light of what we know), which is what the superstrate-substrate relationship is about. It's a pretty fundamental thing, but that also makes it very basic, one of many basic things we see around us. The suits, of course, are also very basic, and also one of many basic things around us. But here's the difference between business suits and number systems:

* The positional number system hinges on the fundamentals of mathematics. Much like prime numbers, it's not arbitrary - it had to be discovered, and once it was discovered, it made perfect sense to adopt purely on its own merits. In addition, individual achievements like these hardly matter for any perception of superiority because smart people get born everywhere, even if they don't get the right opportunity in many places.

* The suits are cultural. There's no rational reason why they should be preferred to any other kind of clothing. The adoption of cultural items by another culture is not strictly utilitarian - it's generally a matter of (perceived) prestige. They might not even be *practical* in India. But even in Western cultures, they're not universal and it's a similar case along the social axis - not everyone wears business suits because he wants to but some people feel either forced to conform or find it otherwise useful (I personally avoid them like the plague).

Does that get the message across that I consider your argument about superiority of a culture (as demonstrated by influence) impacting on a space program

I made no such argument. I didn't even mention any space program in the first place! And I don't see how culture could affect the Indian space program because the technicalities of the Indian space program are dictated by their manufacturing capabilities and their technological experience.

as misleading, and to be frank, incredibly fucking racist. IMHO this "we are the masters of everything just because of where we were born" thing is straying damn close to Godwin territory.

This is obviously a mindless drivel of yours, because you're putting into my mouth things I never said. It is also hilarious considering that I live in a Central European country that hadn't been a master of anything ever since 14th century, after which it got swayed by currents of history, molested by the Austrians, the Germans, the Russians. I sure as hell have no feeling of being a master of anything.

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