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Comment Re:If "yes," then it's not self-driving (Score 1) 362

Children don't tend to dart out in front of airliners

The computer has a 100ms advantage on humans when it comes to reaction, let alone the awareness of it's surroundings (360 degree) at all time. At to this the respect of speed limits and it makes for a much safer car in residential neighborhoods as long as the software and computer hardware is sound.

Comment Re:car (Score 1) 247

The car repair analogy isn't a good one. A better analogy would be to compare it to the engineering design process to make the car.

Refactoring is the action of reviewing the code and re-writing it (internally only). Refactoring is in most cases done to increase readability and reusability (once again, internally only) which usually results in better maintainability. A by products of refactoring is detecting defects and optimization opportunities.

Key here is that the process may reveal optimization opportunities and software issues.

Comment Re:Easier to Analyze or Change == More Maintainabl (Score 1) 247

Refactoring is the action of reviewing the code and re-writing it (internally only). Refactoring is in most cases done to increase readability and reusability (once again, internally only) which usually results in better maintainability. A by products of refactoring is detecting defects and optimization opportunities.

Comment Re:Not Dumb.... (Score 1) 199

Articles like this cause an over reaction as it intends to on /.

Fact is that the right expertise will be brought in to asses who was involved in making sure the illegal content remained on the servers. The court system is in place to allow each individual charged to defend themselves. After all they are innocent until proven guilty. In a case like this I would think it's very hard to point fingers at employees unless there's a data trail.

Comment Re:5% Gross is a terrible deal (Score 1) 143

How do you go bankrupt from 5% of revenue? Isn't your costing model flawed from the beginning then? Unity offers their engine for next to nothing yet if anything Unity has allowed indie games to surface and make money.

If you read the license agreement, the 5% royalty is only taken after the first $3000 quarterly. So as a developer if you make $10 000 per month (after store fees), the royalty will cost you ((10 000 - 3000) x 0.05) = $350. That leaves you with $9650 per month.

Comment Re:5% Gross is a terrible deal (Score 1) 143

Like one investor once said to me. If your product is good enough to sell on a royalty, whoever buys it should be more than capable of capitalizing on it's success. If 5% is too much for you to make money on you should look at other options.

The royalty system has existed for a long time and many people got rich both from the royalty and from taking advantage of the success of the one selling the royalty.

Comment Re:5% Gross is a terrible deal (Score 1) 143

Let me ask you this. How much money have gaming companies made by using existing Engines? Far more than the $2.5 Billion. Mojang had a great idea and made it happen with his own engine. He had to invest TONES of time and money to get there and luckily it all worked out for him in the end. Unfortunately most businesses don't go that direction. So rule to thumb, if you don't need to re-create an engine, don't!

Comment Re:Oh just stop already (Score 1) 201

And same goes for being a miserable person. I know the stereotype is that older people are miserable, but trust me, most miserable older people were miserable young people. They just let it out more, because as you get older you have fewer inhibitions (see the point about sex above).

Good job on this post but I disagree on this part. Experience in life makes you less patient to ignorance. I'm not talking about ignorance as in "lack of having lived" but rather the ignorance that is people just not caring about other around them. It's usually the same issues that have been around for a long time that you can tell will never be fixed since it hasn't changed in 15 years. E.g. Making sure there's toilet paper for the next person. Not having your high beams on everywhere you drive. Being polite online. The list goes on.

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