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Comment Re:Ah, America! (Score 1) 562

And the moment you make any sort of mistake or have a charge you can't pay off in full (regardless of your level of discipline, this will probably happen eventually) the credit card company will earn back every cent you've made from your cash back or rewards. In fact, they'll likely earn it back and many times more. This is the business model behind rewards programs. Sign the customer, make them believe that living month to month on credit is okay, then wait for them to fuck up.

It's gambling, and the bet is that you'll never ever ever ever ever run into trouble paying off your bill.

The Almighty Buck

Do You Really Need a Smart Phone? 851

Roblimo writes "My phone is as stupid as a phone can be, but you can drop it or get it wet and it will still work. My cellular cost per month is about $4, on average. I've had a cellular phone longer than most people, and I assure you that a smart phone would not improve my life one bit. You, too, might find that you are just as happy with a stupid phone as with a smart one. If nothing else, you'll save money by dumbing down your phone." I stuck with a dumb phone for a long time, but I admit to loving the versatility of my Android phone, for all its imperfections.

New Kind of Metal Theorized To Be In the Earth's Lower Mantle 117

slew writes "This article talks about a study accepted to Physical Review Letters which theorizes that iron oxide goes through an insulator/metal phase change with high temperature and pressure. Originally it was thought to be a crystalline structure change, but now apparently it is theorized to be a new type of metallic state. This discovery might offer new insight on how the earth's magnetic field operates."

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