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Comment Solar? (Score 1) 351

At about $1 watt (about current prices), 35 billion could buy 35GW of power. The UK is currently using 31GW of power! Ok, lets say that this price is this is HUGE amount of solar panels.... So, lets say we can get it down to $15 billion, spending the other $20 billion on power storage for when its not sunny. And we need to space to put it, but how many houses in the UK still havent got solar on their roofs? isn't this a better idea?

Comment Re:Unintended consequences (Score 1) 866

No. $15 now is all about demanding everyone get the same [minimum] wage, but demand they work. Its communism. It hurts business, and it hurts capitalism in general as it shuts out market forces. Giving *everyone* a set amount of money. Rich and poor, just enough so the idea of absolute destitution is no longer relevant. At this point, employees can negociate their own wage, so we can drop minimum wage. Some businesses can get away with paying less, if the job doesn't deserve paying any more..(for example, does a deck chair attendent, really deserve $15 / hour???). Result is businesses start paying the rate demanded by the market. not by the government. To give a good metaphor, consider an electronic amplification circuit, with a transistor, capacitor. and a *resistor* to provide base bias. Because a transistor only works when current flows one way, if you feed a transistor an AC signal, it will only work 1/2 the time.... So, you add a resistor which provides a bias voltage, so the AC signal is raised so it never drops below zero. This makes it work all the time. Basic income acts the same as this 'Bias' resistor... it provides just enough so that a persons income/outgoings (excluding savings) never drops below zero.

Comment Rescued PC (Score 1) 542

I rescued a Core 2 Duo out of a skip..... Dropped in a Core 2 quad, and a NVIDIA 750TI. This shite PC, now pumps out more GFLOPS than the highest end Apple you can buy today. Now, I like Macs, I am using one to write this comment, and I really dont want to fuck around with linux or sell my sole to the devil (microsoft).... But, for raw GPU power, macs have lost the race long ago....and it doesn't look like the management give a fuck anymore.

Comment Disable Advertising.... (Score 5, Insightful) 218

I leave the Slashdot 'Disable Advertising' box unchecked. Becuase I am not bothered by the ads, and maybe now and then something might catch my eye, and I'll give it a click....supporting Slashdot as I do. Bills have to be paid after all. However, if the ads were in the face 'YOUR PC IS AT RISK FROM VIRUS' etc, then this is unacceptable..... This is what AdBlock is for, to get rid of these crappy fear-ware ads. I honestly don't mind seeing ads that don't get in my face.

Comment UBI Missing the point. (Score 1) 440

The economy is fucked. Stock markets are falling, and it looks like there will be another crash.....soon. This is because people DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY, and FAR TOO MUCH DEBT to buy stuff..... They don't have enough money (on average), because automation as already started to take effect.... With technology, 1 person can now do the work the work of 3....however that employee will still only only get the wages of 1, and the other 2 parts goes to the boss. Hence the rich are getting richer..... and the poor / middle class are simply not getting enough cash to drive the economy. And so the stock market crashes. UBI is needed to balance this allow the wheels of capitalism to work....without seizing up due to the automation. So as a capitalist, Bring a set amount of UBI now, in order to stop the financial pain everyone is feeling at the moment./

Comment Re:Be insainly great. (Score 4, Insightful) 428

Look at the macmini, for instance...... This used to be expandable with additional ram (to 16GB), two hard drives, and came with quad core i7 processor. Amazing.... really, I have one that has been running my website for the last 4 years, and it has given me no trouble at all.....

And apple canceled it. They replaced it with a soldered ram, duel core, which isn't as powerfull as something you could buy 4 years ago. For fuck sake Apple - this is what Commodore did, releaseing the Amiga 600, several years after the Amiga 500, which was no more advanced....... and we all know what happened to Commodore!!...

Comment Be insainly great. (Score 4, Interesting) 428

Apple have never really invented much. But, they have brought together technology and made it into amazing things.
The imac. It was colourful, compact, got rid of legacy ports. It was insanely great. The iPod put a Hard drive in a MP3 player, and made it easy to hold your entire music collection.... The others on the market just were shite in comparison. This was insanely great. OSX, bringing together open source Unix, with a Java JVM installed as standard, using open API's and with a GUI that was far ahead of anything at the time...... Insanely great.

But now....

Soldered in Ram - not insanely great. Non upgradeable SSD - not insanely great. no USB ports on latest macbook, and charging premium for a USB-c adapter. not insanely great. Charging $1,099 for a 2012 model laptop with 4gb ram and crappy i5-3210M processor......FFS, not insanely great.. For heaven sake, I remember Steve jobs reducing prices of models every single mac world presentation. No more.... Not insanely great.

Apple are dead. Maybe not in the financial sense - they have enough money to keep them going for decades. But, in the sense of what brought them back from the brink of bankruptcy back in 1998, they are dead and buried. I only wish Microsoft were a better company so I could switch back.

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