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Comment Re:all those platforms are yours... (Score 3, Interesting) 296

There are no GUI widgets in Flash / AS3. Everything is actually drawn on screen using vector or bitmap graphics. There are components that you can use that emulate widgets (drop downs, date pickers, etc) but those are not native. This means that they will work consistently across all platforms.

This demo is perfect because it shows a Flash / AS3 developer what they need to do to make sure their app works well across devices.

1. Figure out how your app elements might reposition themselves depending on screen dimensions.
2. Figure out how to scale your application and elements so things are usable.
3. Use interactions that work on press and not on MouseOver.

The rest doesn't matter. As long as the framework can draw graphics to the system consistently across devices, nothing else really matters. Flash is become the ultimate platform for GUI development.

Comment Specialization is for Ants (Score 2, Insightful) 623

As a Presentation Layer guy I can tell you that I’m seeing a shift of the types of successful developers out there in the field. Those developers that can bounce around between different API’s and syntaxes are the ones that are in demand and those developers that know one technology or platform well aren’t.

I personally think it’s because of the fragmented nature of our target platforms. Programming for one platform is a luxury most programmers don’t have nowadays. This is why frameworks came to be and are used so heavily. Just abstracting the differences between platforms is enough for most developers to ditch “hand coding” and deal with the integration issues. Look at the popularity of Javascript frameworks like jQuery. Nobody coded in the way jQuery works before jQuery (the whole chaining thing, and anonymous functions), yet now more than 50% of websites (made up number) use jQuery.

To become a successful developer in the next decade, you must be a generalist. It’s a completely different way of thinking. You have to actively try NOT to learn too much of one platform for fear that it’ll bias you against all the other languages you’ll have to work in. For example, coming from more structured languages, seeing the jQuery chaining and use of anonymous functions would turn off most developers and they’d shy away from using it. However, it’s the best tool for the job currently, and not using it based on it’s weird syntax would be a mistake. Same thing applies to MXML, WPF, LINQ, C#’s var, etc and all sorts of new improvements to languages that people don’t use because they’re “different” and give you “less control”.


DIY Space Photography 106

Four Spanish teenagers sent a camera-operated weather balloon into the stratosphere. The boys built the electronic sensor components from scratch. Gerard Marull Paretas, Sergi Saballs Vila, Marta Gasull Morcillo and Jaume Puigmiquel Casamort attached a £56 camera to a heavy duty £43 latex balloon, and sent their science project 20-miles above the Earth. Team leader Gerard Marull, 18, said, "We were overwhelmed at our results, especially the photographs, to send our handmade craft to the edge of space is incredible."

Why Doctors Hate Science 1064

theodp writes "A 2004 study found some 10 million women lacking a cervix were still getting Pap tests. Only problem is, a Pap test screens for cervical cancer — no cervix, no cancer. With this tale, Newsweek's Sharon Begley makes her case for comparative-effectiveness research (CER), which is receiving $1 billion under the stimulus bill for studies to determine which treatments, including drugs, are more medically sound and cost-effective than others for a given ailment. Physicians, Begley says, must stop treatments that are rooted more in local medical culture than in medical science, embrace practices that have been shown scientifically to be superior to others, and ignore critics who paint CER as government control of doctors' decision-making."

Comment Re:It propably won't.. (Score 1) 474

On the other hand I get 1-2 a week from big and small companies. I have my current job because one of those offers.

So it must be you :-p

In all seriousness, I actually ask each one of those recruiters to be "LinkedIn" with me, because when it's time for me to start looking, I have a bunch of contacts I can talk to immediately, and they've already looked at my resume and thought I was a good fit for a certain type of position.

It took about a few years to go from "never been on LinkedIn" to my current situation, so it's not like its something that happens over night.

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